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Sweet 'Maggy'

29_03_2009 (Macro) Canon Rebel XSi

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While enjoying my Mom's birthday on Sunday, I found their dog Maggy,

cuddling up to one of her favorite stuffed toys. Whenever she feels a little

left out.....she searches out one of her 'friends' and 'suckles on an ear or

tail....and 'kneads' her paws into the toy as well....just like little pups do

when they are feeding. She has done this ever since a pup, perhaps

something to do with 'separation anxiety' and this comforts her. The photo

is cropped quite short as the only way I could get a 'pic' was to lie the

camera on the floor and just click away. Your comments are always


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This difficult angles sometimes gives you quite interesting photo's.


I think you've done well here. Lighting is good and you manage to capture a lot of detail (eyes, hair etc.)


I would love to see the EXIF info.

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Thankyou for your kind comments. She is a 'sweetheart' and is my 'surrogate' pup....she still remembers 'my Hayley' (one day I'll post her pic)....my Bichon that I had to have put down 2 years ago, Easter. She is a lovely dog, and 'fills my empty arms...when I need that UNCONDITIONAL HUG'......and yes Diego, she had beautiful eyes...they're so big.....and when she looks right at you, you can appreciate them more. Funny how they feel you sadness....after Hayley, for months.....when we'd visit, she'd cuddle up close as she could....she'd search my parents' house for her. They were good friends. I've 'ordered' a replacement on my 'hubands' TO DO LIST but he hasn't quite checked that one off yet!!! Thanks again, Gail
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A very good expression has been captured here, it looks like his eyes can "demand the world" and get it:-)))....Unique framing too....Regards
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It's kind of funny/cute/odd......when she 'suckles' on whatever toy....she gets a little 'spaced out' look on her face......then if she sees you looking at her....she avoics your eyes, and either looks away, or upwards...as if embarassed (?). Whatever it is...as long as it comforts her,,,,,and doesn't invlolve anyones 'leg'...I say...'go for it Mags'.......dogs can do so many more things and get away with it, can't they?....sorry...mind must have waundered there for a minute....I'm not jealous at all!!!! Thanks for dropping by....always glad to hear from you.........!
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Thanks Grant, she is a beautiful dog....I don't use the opportunity enough to photograph her...so busy visiting....I'll have to change that 'habit'.
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Maggi is so sweet. I love the look in her eye, the light on the curls on her head. She looks a bit like my little Molly, a senior Yorkshire Terrier.
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Hi Linda, Maggy is a mix...but I've grown to think it's a ver special 'recipe' for she doesn't have any 'radiant' traits of the those mix'es that shine through. Short legs, longish body....I'll have to try to put on a pic where you can see her whole body. She is ususally darker. But last weekend I noticed her hair was much longer and it seemed much lighter....very pretty. Her excitement as we arrive is overwhelming...and she usually starts to 'talk' to me....doesn't seems satisfies until I 'talk' back.....amazing the things you do and 'learn' to do to please 'one' who loves you so much.
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Thankyou Cherlyn....I appreciate your kind words very much....luckily for me she is a very 'sweet' subject.....thanks again,,,,,,,,,Gail
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Thanks again for your comment....she truly is an "Awwwwww" dog.......visited her yesterday, (along with my parents)....since loosing our own dog Hayley 2 years ago.....Maggy has become even more important to us.....she kind of fills the gap....but then we come home.....must get another dog soon.....sincere thanks for your time and kind crituqe....Gail
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