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Old Bridge


My answer to the Golden Gate Bridge. Well........ maybe it's not real close

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With several hundred pictures wiped out lately, I have been

scratching for something to post. I went back south again this last

weekend towards Medicine Lodge. Again, my timing was too early for

most of the shots that I took and the bright overhead sun is harsh.

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Holy cow Wayne. You're gettin' too close to OK here. This looks like the stuff where I grew up! My granddad's farm had the Cimarron River running through it and it looked like this.


Nice bridge! The light is actually nice from the right and all. It kind of dresses up the sand and bare trees. I would guess that bridge is from about 1925 or 30!

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This is the Medicine river. I am planning on going across the Cimarron this weekend as we are going to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving.
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I have three ratings on this photo that do not average up to 3/3. SCOTT VENITTELLI has 0 photos uploaded and out of the other 2, one guy has 2 photos uploaded and the other 0. All three guys have gone to my last three uploads and given them below average ratings. I am discouraged and needed to vent.
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You need a realy big truck in the middle of the bridge. From the look of the bridge, maybe, you had better do it in photo shop.
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But Wayne, it's not pretty. Of course it deserves a 1/1. The fact that it's interesting, well composed and in most ways a pretty damned good photograph is entirely beside the point.

Now, on the other hand, if you had a beeeutiful naked female hotty there, it would be a different matter.
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Just a thought, but this may be more of study in lines and angles than a landscape. If it were me, I might get closer and look for a shot of those interesting lines against the blue sky. I can see lots of good photo ops in this location.


lol at Michael's comment above. I have voiced this issue a number of times here on PN:

Want a good rating,,,, go naked, works every time.

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Just imagine one pathetic, lonely cretin who has registered one name after another for the sole purpose of personal harrassment.


He/she/it suddenly discovers that by the simple expedient of leaving the caps lock key down he/she/it can irritate everyone to a level previously undreamed of. This is a revelation, for this simple soul, on the order of Einstein's concepts for relativity. Just imagine the pure joy and elation engendered in this creature at the thought of the even higher levels of alienation and misery he/she/it can attain by this one simple step. Now, the world is his/her/its oyster and nirvana can be obtained at last.


Either that or all that drool has caused the caps lock key to stick permanently down.


Just remember. Outside the folds of every secure community there are goblins lusting to destroy it. You can say it isn't so but it is true.

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OK, we all agree that this may not be the best image in Photo.net but low rating like that? Anyway, one thing I learned from posting images in forums (here and there) is to NOT paying attention to rating too much, but hope for some good constructive comments (which do not come up too often). If you want high rating, the easiest way is to investigate into nude photography with beautiful models :>)). Back to this image: under the lighting and situation, you did a very decent job capturing this image. Keep on shooting!!
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