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jewels session for "MODA"magazine


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I am not seeing a point here. Too much going on to catch my attention. I think the image would be stronger with the man alone or the animal alone. Then I think it would work for me as a product image.

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"You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece." --line from
Full Metal Jacket

That has got to be one of the ugliest cats I have ever seen, and so I have to interpret this as a kind of salvage shot which works on some level. The photographer has worked very hard to be creative on this one--and it shows.

I dare not try to read any deep metaphysical meaning into this one. It's a weird, staged studio shot, pure and simple.

Still, on some level, it is hard not to like it.


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I believe the manipulation work done here is poor and the two different lighting methods for the two objects of the image do not synchronize with each other, that why the atmosphere do not give the original feeling.



If the cat was not poorly added to this image and the person been left with this sort of lighting alone, the image would have stood in a better format.

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I like the cat and the vase, and the light on both, but the person's skin tones look over-manipulated (too much blue channel?) and phony. If it's Photoshop work, it's poor Photoshop work. Rather than emphasizing the watch and ring, the colour on them simply looks garish in comparison to the rest of the image...and frankly, the use of bits of colour in a monotone image has become a cliche. In my opinion, the image would have worked better if it was only of the cat and the vase. There is much nicer and more interesting work in this photographer's portfolio, but I have to give this one a thumbs down.

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This shot has that very highly produced feel that has been pretty popular in advertising work for a few years now. As I looked at this, I was sure that this must be an ad for the ring and watch. I then went to the set and, in fact, that seems to be the focus of the series--the jewelry.

The elements make me want to feel that there is some psychological undertone here, but I believe that is their exact purpose. The image is merely a strong graphic to suck us in until we find the watch and the ring. It sets a tone of "exotic".

From the size I see this on my monitor, I think this has been done relatively well. Although not my style, I think it is a compelling and striking image and, IMO, the best in that series.

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I feel like i'm looking at 2 different photos, cat and the man divides my attention two different directions and i think they're syncronized well but somehow this is a very fine PS work which i'd like to learn how to do. It gives the feeling a advertisement graphic work not a photo. I find the wrist watch quite disattracting.

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I find it to be a very striking image, marred only by the watch and the ring. Take those two elements away, and the contrast between the cat and the man is very eye-catching and leaves a lot of room for interpretations by viewers. I'm looking at this in terms of art and not advertisement, as has been suggested above.

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It looks and feels like an advertisement with very shiny jewels, an ugly cat and black ... lot of black. Yes there is a man, a vase or bag, a sofa ... to me all black.
For an ad this is nicely done, as photo ... not to my taste.

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I do like this, and also admire the efforts. Although looking at it, I wonder what it would be like if the eyes were open. Or perhaps the person was not laying down, but being supported by the elbow? (bringing the two elements closer) I knwo that would make it a different shot completely, but that is what I am looking at - 2 different shots. All in all - creative.

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great image, did you also take one with your model's eyes open?


great selection of images in your portfolio also


regards richard

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Finally an image really "worth talking about". My first impression of this image is that of overt sadness, for there are very strong overtones of slavery and human bondage, with the man's deep, dark skin further buried in the darkness by severe contrast. There is in this something disturbing, in that the photographer chose the highlight the ANIMAL and the inanimate things like the watch and the ring, while burying the only human element in the image, a kind of expression of values that does do violence to my senses, but which, for better for worse, apparently, reflects the artist's sensitivities.
This high contrast method is not unique, in that it has been employed ad nauseum by Rakesh Syal here at pnet to record a never ending array of pots and pans, with the lone bright colorful spot on the lower left to offset the oppressively dark palette, but to employ a HUMAN BEING in this fashion reprises Mapplethorpe and his school, whose stock in trade is the severing and objectification of pieces of the human body as if they are items slowly rotating on a grill, seen through the window of a Chinese restaurant. Yes, I am aware that Edouard Manet did this with some success with Olympia, but that image, too, was savaged by the critics of his day, and with good reason.

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The cat's eyes are wide open. What about the man's eyes? Are they open or closed! I couldn't tell! Excellent composition of a mysterious moment. Man and animal are sharing jewels... Life ends but jewels survive for ever...
A heart-beating, Sphinx-like picture telling a secret that only the photographer knows! Fine work.

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Definitely a stunning picture and a hard one to take. How would it look if the man's eyes were open and staring at the camera or the cat or in the direction of the cat's sight.

Good work.

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