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Natural Abstract - What Do you See?


All the image elements are natural; none have been added or manipulated in Photoshop.


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The title says it all. What do you see? This photo has not been digitally manipulated ;

everything here was photographed as it occurred in its natural setting. Enjoy.

Comments/critiques welcome.

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David - yes, it is a shark - a tiger shark pup less than a week old. The "V" shape is a bow wake from its dorsal final as it slices through the water; the rest of the pup is fully submerged. This is one of two eviscerated from its mother's womb after she was slaughtered for a world record and her jaws. The pups spent about a week swimming around on the surface of the water at the marina in Old Bahama Bay, gathering strength and getting ready to find their way out into the ocean. Everyone there was cheering for the pups and very angry with fisherman and his crew who conducted the slaughter inside the marina (against regulations) and in full view of anyone passing by. If you go to the No Words forum and scroll through the Fishing Boat album, you will see a picture I posted that encapsulates the tragic story. I have been told by a shark expert that this type of sighting is very rare. I have a couple of "plain" photos of the sharks in my Shark Shots Album here and many more at www.viovio.com/t37traveler in my "Southbound 2008 - The Journey Continues" album.
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What this does not surprise me? Just reading the story made me feel deep frustration! Killing the mother just for "human selfish proud" shows why our blue planet is as it is...


We have to continue our tireless educational mission to create consciousness about peaceful relationships with our non-human neighbors. Humans still LOVE Roman Circus shows...


I am sorry because this is not an environmental forum... so Nice puppy shoot!



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