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Tiger Shark Pup in Old Bahama Bay Marina


Hand held manual exposure using Nikon D100, Nikon 70 -300mm zoom telephoto; focal length 70mm. f13 @125


© This photograph is the Intellectual Property of the photographer and may not be used for any purpose outside of this forum without the express written consent of the photographer.

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This is an non-manipulated photo of a

and reflections is one of my favorite "naturally occurring mediums" for adding a touch

of the surreal to the real. I shoot manual exposures only using a Nikon D100 and Nikon

or Sigma lenses.

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Good shot, but the boat reflection in the water is covering up the shot. You could see it a lot better if that wasn't there. Also I would try and improve the composition by placing the shark off center. Adds more of the sharks surroundings into the photo. Its a good start on photo.net!
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Colton -


Thank you for the very good comments. This is my first time participating in an interest group website, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Since I could only post one photo, I decided to post one that I liked and had potential, but that I was not entirely happy with. You are so right about the hull; I just couldn't put my finger on it. While the hull reflection adds, it also detracts, especially since all of the shark except his dorsal fin is submerged and blurred by the water. The other problem is that I didn't check my camera settings before shooting (too much excitement about the sighting) and the ISO was set to HI-1, resulting in too much digital noise for a really crisip shot.


I have always kept my photos a gallery on viovio.com, a travel interest and photo publishing site. While it offers a space to comment on individual photos, photo critique and discussion of the art of photography is not the focus, thus the only comments tend to be the occasional "great pic" from biased friends and family members. I think I've found the "jury of my peers" I've been looking for. There are some very talented people and good work here, so I have decided to take out a paid membership and upload more shots today.

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You said you were going for a little of the 'surreal with the real'. I'm afraid I only see the surreal. :-) I am having a hard time discerning the shark or the hull of the boat. I do see lovely colors and shapes, but not having been there to see it in person, the actual image you're trying to portray isn't made clear (to me, anyway). However, I've looked at your other shots in your portfolio......you have some excellent work. Nice to have you on PN.
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Thank you for the feedback. I can see why a non-boater might have a bit of a challenge figuring out where things are. Actually, a hull is something I personally wouldn't want too clearly defined in this picture. The boat hull is reflected as the whitish patches; the white and brownish squiggly lines toward the lower left are the rigging (it's a sailboat). The pup was swimming along the shadow line in the slip; I leaned over the dock and snapped a pic just to see what I'd get. I thought the lighting presented some interesting possibilities. The shark is a bit deceptive as it's a top down view with a lot of reflections on the water above it. What I liked was the coloration, the abstractness of the shapes, and yet in the midst was a living, swimming creature that also had naturally applied abstract qualities. I have some similar but better shots of the same subject matter that I will upload soon.

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Hi Sandra. When I first saw this shot in smaller size and saw the word predator in your description I saw a monster like face, with the eye on the far right center! Can you see it? Anyway, I was surprised to find the shark pup when I enlarged it! It is an interesting abstract as it stands, but agree that the pup would be better out of the line between light and dark. But I well know that spur of the moment shots are beyond your control! Take a look at one of my recent ones....it is really probably a bust, but when I got home and started working on it I kinda liked it! I'll attempt to attach it to this message.

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This is a wonderful abstract that I would be proud to hang on my wall. The tiger shark that is almost 'hidden' just breathes some life into the image but for me it is secondary. I even see at the fin of the shark something that looks like the head of bird with its beak open.
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