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Colorado: Arvada: Farmers Canal


One of four seasons shots I did at this site with my old Sinar F 4x5.


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Very nice. The yellow against blue is very eye-catching. The composition works. While some might suggest leaving the tips of the tree in, I think cutting the tips off works well here to bring the viewer into the photo. Well-done.
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Yes, it's that time of year again. I've been going out the past two weeks trying to get shots like this, but I haven't found a scene this pretty. Nicely done.
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Yes, there is a fence on the left hand bank of this canal. I have some

more seasonal shots from this which I will post later. Spring, winter,


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I glad you shot this on 4x5, I know how hard it is to work with limited focal length's so it was probably not possible to get the top of the tree in the shot with what lenses you had. very good shot any way nice colors, reflection and composition. You don't have to go far from home to make good photograph's.
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I had a 75mm, a 150mm and a 210mm. All of them were Schneiders. This was probably the 210 which was my favorite for outdoors but it was a big jump either way. No zooms on that baby.
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I just looked at it again and this tighter view might work even better than one that would include the top of the tree. 1979 is this shot still there, if so there's no water in Colorado any more any way, well maybe it will snow like a bad boy this year and every thing will go back to normal.
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This is just north of 72nd on Kipling St. They've just finished widening it to 4 lanes but I think it's still there. I'll look at it tomorrow and let you know. There is definitely no water in it now.
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I love the color in this one..stunning.

Some how the longer I look at it, the more the whole scene seems to lean to the right. Perhaps it is an optical illusion caused by the tree in the foreground tipping to the right and the waterway leading my eye slightly to the right.

Maybe I am just a bit of kilter... (maybe?)

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No way Regina.


It would be difficult to say if this is tilted or not. I would be inclined to say no because it was shot with the 4x5 which had bubble levels and grid lines on the ground glass but anything is possible. Maybe I was in a hurry. I don't know. I'm glad you like it anyway.

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Absolutely gorgeous orangy-yellow vs deep blue colour combination. I would also normally go for having the whole tree top, but here it works so well! Nice to have put the long grass @ the bottom rite to balance out the tree reflection on the bottom left. Great composition.
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I wouldn't have cropped the top of the tree - if I would know how to shoot landscapes like this in the first place...:-) All else looks great to me. Regards.
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To all: Here is a later and wider angle image. Though not an image to post, it does show the surroundings for the autumn image and, perhaps, why I made the decision at the time not to include more in the earlier shot.


I looked at this site today, 23 years later, and it's very overgrown with trees along the banks on both sides. It would be hard to shoot again although all the large cottonwoods are still there.

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Wow. This photo is straight out of a dream I had sometime this year (not kidding..). The location in my dream was actually about 50 miles north of Denver, just outside of Fort Collins, along the Poudre river. Really. I'm not kidding. I was shocked when I saw this : )p.s. In my dream I was fumbling with my gear and for some reason I didn't get the shot.. or I woke up first... I must be taking too many pictures.
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Well, if you can't ever take too many pictures, keep posting, Fred ... I love everything I see. :-) This is wonderfully peaceful!!
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