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© Copyright 2008, John Crosley, All Rights Reserved

The 'Forgotten One'


Nikon D200, 12~24 mm f 4 converted from NEF through Adobe Camera Raw version 5.2 in Photoshop CS4 by checking the grayscale (monochrone) box and adjusting color sliders 'to taste'.


© Copyright 2008, John Crosley, All Rights Reserved

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This is 'The Forgotten One' in two instances -- both as to photograph

and as to the individual -- with the photo recently resurrected as I review

several old downloads for 'hidden treasures' while it snows. Originally

with background in a hideous shade of green, I converted to B&W and

was pleased with the result. Your ratings and critiques are invited and

most welcome. If you rate harshly or very critically, please submit a

helpful and constructive comment; please share your superior

photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks!

Enjoy! John

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