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Photoshop CS, Wacom Intuos and Canon EOS 350D

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About year ago I was leading very interesting full life and was

drawing all the time to capture my impressions. One moment touched me

very closely and I started to do this work. I almost finished it in

one go. One thing what was left was tree. I was trying a lot of

variations but even one was not right for my idea... During this year

sometimes I was coming back to my R.R.R. work and trying more and more

to catch this fleeing tree, but it was elusive! Finally, I got such a

strong feeling that, yes, I know how it should look! Yes, I am ready

to do it! And I sat and spend all the time I had without taking breath

and created the tree with all my confidence. So now it is done. I am

happy and satisfied and I can show my work to you. All opinions are

welcome; I will appreciate any comments or critiques. Enjoy) Truly

yours, Yuliya.

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Brilliant. I'm positively staggered. Hieronymous Bosch lives again. Truly a masterpiece of the utterly surreal. 7/7
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I think people who rated this photo (except the one 7/7) are kind of self satisfied... Either they can do better or this piece of art and the effort that was spent doesn't deserve a good regard... Reminded me Picasso's and Dali's works... New generation is very lucky to have such initiators of abstract or surrealism but this should not be interpreted as new work is worthless... My teacher taught me once: If you won't exceed me and my knowledge tell me why do I teach you?!... Your work is strongly appreciated... And you deserve more...


Kindest regards...





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extraordinary skill in depicting a scene! great congratulations! in every picture of course there are dual elements of discovery and recognition: while elements of this are perplexing and unsavory in terms of recognition, it's strength is in the discovery aspect, and there it is vastly rich. bravo.
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...a product of a furtive imagination and excellent PS skills. Brilliant!!! Thanks for sharing! RickDB
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