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Flying into turbulence


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We flew into the ominous clouds and without warning the plane dropped a couple of feet and shook violently up and down. A woman screamed in the middle of this commotion and parents were bracing their children. I fly frequently and I am used to turbulence, but this was one of the scariest episodes that I have ever experienced. By the time the plane landed I was ready to kiss the ground.
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I remember taking a commuter plane and bounced, bounced, bounced the whole way, as if I were on a bumpy road in a bus. Somehow, I didn't mind. I"m glad you're okay!!!!!!!!
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It is a very accurate photo with your depiction of your feelings, I wonder how you did such a good visual depiction of it, it looka as if the plane is passing from a dark cloud gradually to a lighter one ( with the dark tail and small light...) . impressive moment and an interesting composition. I'm glad as well that you are well landed.!
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Thank you Donna and Pnina. Whenever I travel I usually get an aisle seat. If I am lucky and the seat next to me is empty or when I travel with someone, then I move to the window and start taking pictures of the surroundings. We seldom get a chance to have a seat with a view at 35,000 feet above the ground. Sometimes during landing the scene outside can change very quickly. My previous shot of the sunset was taken seconds before these dark clouds came into view. I was fascinated by the well defined tone layers that these clouds revealed and started to shoot. As soon as the shaking started I put my camera in my bag and stowed it under the seat.


I take turbulences seriously because I have heard of people being injured when caught by surprise. I have a friend who is a flight attendant and he said that if really bad turbulence hits them while doing a service with the cart, they are trained to sit down on the floor and hold on to something securely.

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LOL! Thanks Len. It takes a really bad shaking to scare me when flying since I am used to travel. In this case the thought of crashing to the ground crossed my mind briefly and I closed my eyes and imagined myself in a rollercoaster.
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Great shot, Adan. I swear you spend more times on planes than anyone I know. I've taken pictures out of plane windows before but never bagged an abstract beauty like this. Glad you arrived safely.
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Jeff - Now that you mention it, I played around with it and converted it to B&W. You are so right, Mr. Long. Hey, can you imagine if we were lawyes and our firm is named Long & Wong......maybe not. See below.


Jack - It's an addiction my friend. Some vices are more benign than others and I stick to this one.


David - Yes, thankfully it was only a scare. But you know what? I need a wake up call from time to time.


Marios - Glad you stopped by. I will take a look at what you have been up to.

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Me gusta un poco mas la conversion a blanco y negro, Adan. Queda excelente para el tipo de composicion. Saludos!
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Have a good flight back to Boston, and do give Pnina my best on her showing at the exhibition in CT; and say "Hi" to the big guy, Dennis for me. Travel safe, my friend! Cheers! Chris
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Chris H - We'll do. Too bad you can't join us for this one.


Vladimir - Thanks. This shot almost did not make it.

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I really like this one. It's the best out of an airplane window image I can recall seeing. The shift in lighting on the wingtip and the light on the edge of the cloud dead center are the highlights of the image, but it just has an overall appeal that is inexplicable. I'm completely unable to make up my mind as to which I prefer. The black and white is equally awesome.
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me gusta muchisimo esta imagen , se ve muy dramatica. Me alegro que el vuelo hubiera terminado bien! A mi me gusta mucho volar, pero eso si ojala maximo 3 horas!


Un abrazo



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