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© Yuri Pautov 2008 (C)




© Yuri Pautov 2008 (C)

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With her particular "look", I think this sort of rigid, clean lined pose, works nicely...



Her position, considering the background, could be altered a tad with great results.. of course this is after the shoot and probably not possible...


Because her hair is so dark... I would have given space to her right, between hear hair and the dark tree bark in the background... she'd be better set off against a background of lighter leaves, or even the hazy distant horizon...


This is a wonderful portrait and I like it very much... Autumn is a wonderful portrait taking season for the outdoor photographer...


One more thing. I'd be rid of the trash which is beneath the bench to her right.


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I keep coming back to it. You have made a beautiful capture here. The model is absolutely stunning and the setting and atmosphere is lovely. I agree with the two things mentioned above. The tree trunk/hair isn't too bad to me, but the empty bottle does detract. The image quality is top notch though, so great that I had to do a search to read up more on teh camera you used....interesting.


Great capture!





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Personally, I think the pose is too rigid. The model does not look comfortable, relaxed or natural. It could work perhaps if there was some motion suggested, but right now, it looks like she is waiting for you to finish shooting. Another reason for this might be the composition. The model's body is very typically placed in the centre of the photo, which I'm told is a common mistake that you need to avoid as much as possible. There's a lot of background visible and in focus, which really adds to the feeling of a strained photo. Working with a bit of DoF will really improve this sort of photo. The same goes for a more creative angle. Play around, let the model feel comfortable and interact with her. Personally I've always thought that the best photos come when you don't tell people exactly how to sit, but let them feel what you want to say with your photo.
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She's simply beautiful... The photo didn't impress me too much, maybe the background is too sharp... one f-stop less could help IMHO, as well as a close crop too. However, good work!
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You have excellent exposure values, a very sharp focus, pleasing color combinations, a beautiful model, and a very stiff pose. It looks like to poor girl is scared to death. Perhaps that is the mood you intended to capture. If so, an appropriate title would add to the image.
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nice composition and the ligth in rthe background ads deep to the image.


Nice work.


Best regards Tore

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Yuri, On first looking at Tatyana's pose she seems about to slip off the bench. Then I noticed the bench looks like it would topple over backwards if she wasn't sitting forward. Her expression and clothing suggest she's waiting for someone, perhaps a date and she is on "edge" a little nervous. The heart on the shoes, is she looking for love? This is what I read into the pose and from that point of view it works very well. John
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