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the steps of autumn are here, in your picture. saturated greens turn into golden brown. beautiful fields spread to the horizon that eyes can not reach. and the mountains far awar, vaguely, seem to tell the drifters about to come home , for the festival of harvest.good or bad, passed. what left are the amber red of wine. CHEERS! and warm regards.
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This is a great landscape shot..full of life and stunning color. The yellows, oranges and greens look fabulous...Another winner....Many congrats...and Kind Regards
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really captivating. you've taken a very simple thing, a field and by capturing it and composing it, in such a way you've given us the world.
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Wonderful picture, El. Spot on amazing colors which announce the early Autumn's arrival. The image with some sad mood imho. Your posts definitely have soul and this makes them so special and eye-pleasing. My very best regards.
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Aun siendo un extenso paisaje, tiene una concepcion minimalista, que hace que se aprecien los mas minusculos detalles y se disfrute paseando por la escena. A veces se respira mucho mas profundamente cunado la vista se pierde en el horizonte. Muy buenas sensaciones.Max. Un abrazo. Vicente.
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