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Tucker County1


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This is the first critique I've offered on photo.net. I like the composition and the idea very much. Perhaps we'll get as accustomed to wind turbines someday as we are to telephone poles and wires now (but even they make photography challenging, especially in urban areas.) The main suggestion I have to offer is that it's rich in highlights and shadows, with rather little in between. The bright roof on the barn and sharp contrast to its dark front tend to draw the eye away from the rest of the scene. If you have Photoshop, or even Photoshop Elements, which is all I have, you could use enhance - lighting - highlights and shadows to lighten the shadows and darken the highlights a bit. A graduated neutral density filter can also help to avoid losing sky detail without getting stuff on the ground too dark. (Or so they say. I never seem to have one with me, or I forget to use it when I should.)



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Ronda, I have taken unilateral license to modify your image with some changes which alter its character. First, it is heavily color-saturated, something that does not always please everyone. And, I have lightened the barn and other storage shed and colored them to add some detail and interest. And, the windmills are gone. Well, there are other things, but see for yourself. It has more of a rustic, painting look rather than a photograph. Forgive me if my modifications offend. It is unintended. My "therapy" is seeing what may be done to an image to (hopefully) improve in in some areas. I am not always successful, so if this offends, hit the "delete" choice and it will be gone. Regards. Lamar

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You do not offend. I took this shot because of the windmills. This is our future in concert with our past. I am pleased that the barn is deep in shadow, my intent was not to focus on the barn. (I agree however the roof is to bright). My intent was to show a nostalgic scene from the past with the promise of a future that will not offend our earth. Thank you for your time and comment. -Rhonda

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