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Art and being , the story continuation of the forbiden apple.... YinYang....


Thanks for your impressions.

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Magnifica toma.Interesante vision e interpretacion de la dualidad entre lo masculino y femenino, en estupenda armonia.7/7.Anon.


Un cordial saludo -Tolo.

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I love the image, but I do have to say that the plant to the rear of the man looks like it is about to grab him on the behind, or worse! Lovely tones and focus. Take care.
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I would say Yin Yang is a more Oriental title whereas Adam & Eve is the western one. The subtlelity of this image enhances its artistic value & make it an art.
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John, if you read some of the series you will undestand why it is YinYang. it is the symbolic of " unity of opposites". The series was telling the story of Adam and Eve, so the chinese philosophy was another symbole of their relations..


Tolo and Rueda, I understood your feedback.


David, I smiled and worked on these leaves, I hope it will be seen soon.


Jeff, we talked alredy on the Garden of Eden in the series, so I wanted another nuance for the continuation....;-))


Cherlyn, I'm glad to see you , you look very busy ...;-)) thanks, I like the oriental philosophy of the - "unity of opposites.".

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Sensual and tender capture. I like how they embrace each other in such an intimate and supportive way.
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Pnina, a lovely sensuous image. The texture produced by the blur adds atmosphere and mystery, as does the color. The composition using the lighted leaves is outstanding - Adam and Eve in the garden at sunrise!
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I saw this yesterday and didn't have time to comment. I love how well the blur works. I think it makes the situation more raw and open to interpretation. great job.
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Guest Guest


I see this as a more personal work from you. Many of your other dance shots have more of a presentational feel, where I think the choreography speaks through to a greater extent and you maintain a certain distance. (I'm thinking of the previous two posts and others.) Here, you have gotten more up close and personal. Of course, the nudity immediately hits us as more personal, but your proximity to the bodies, the somewhat low shooting angle, and your work with blur and lighting as well as the strong toning shows that you have something to say in addition to having chosen the moment.


I like the way the blur of the two dancers contrasts to the sharper edges of the brightly lit leaves, which are almost ablaze. Your work with the highlighting on their bodies gives them life and brings them out well from the background. Your (almost) full frame capture seems to be inviting us into something personal and is effective in conveying the sensuality, especially of their beautiful legs.


I see the blur differently from Joseph. For me, the blur makes it somewhat coy and demure rather than raw. I think the bodies in focus would have been a more blatant statement (of course a different statement and I'm not suggesting you should have gone that route). The blur and toning, to me, suggest modesty which is, after all, a theme of the Garden of Eden story. The blur and pose (a pose which does as much to hide their bodies as to reveal their sensuousness) would be serving as the fig leaves. I like the point you bring up, though, Joseph, because I do wonder at the very different approach of presenting this in a raw way. I think that, too, would have a lot of power but don't get the sense that's where Pnina was taking this.

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This photo is so good, that it can be read in many different ways, of course the title tells us something about your intentions.........the lack of focus is quite an asset, for me at least is what makes it work so well. Cheers,
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What I meant by raw is that because it is not in focus, the viewer can interpret more of the scene, not in a sexual way but in a basic human interaction viewpoint. I can't tell if the forms are embracing or are in an argument, and I like that. Of course we all know how the story ends :) Thanks for the discussion. I guess that means the image is successful :)
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Guest Guest


Ahhh. Got it. I took "raw" in a different way, as in rough/blatant/sexual/raw energy or power kind of thing. Now I understand better, although I still think the blur guides us in a certain soft direction even though I understand that you feel it leaves it more open to interpretation. Appreciate the clarification.
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Margaret, the epitome is the relations, in all its forms and aspects of human life.


Adan, it is intimate, but has as well an intended ambiguity.....


Jack,Yes, I'm 3000 years old...;-)) even more, so I was there....Thanks


Roger, the mystery continues in many forms nowadays as well, in YinYang relations.




Joe, I think raw as you explained it fits my intention for taking it to many interpretationsand directions,


Juan, yes that was my intention, thanks for your feedback


Fred, thanks for your wide interpretation( as usual). I understand that you see this one as more personal, but what I shoot and choose to upload from a whole dance creation ( close or distant , as you describe it), is always ! close to me personally, and is my way of depicting human behaviour in giving it a general interpretation

( the last couples scene which I see as a connection , and as a matter of fact belongs to this series).I think that this series in all its scenes and aspects is a Unity of Opposites( yinyang), and "Life as a Dance." ( titles....)

The blurred pose and tones, the frame of the lighted leaves,all was my intention to add mystery , ambiguity, enigma, to the scene, that can be taken by the viewer to his own interpretation and connect to it through his own world.


Thanks again to all of you, I appreciate the connection, and points of view expressed in your comments.

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Adam and Eve feel of course...the blurr, low light and tone makes it both intimist and timeless...a superb image Pnina...very evocative...
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it looks as if you've applied one of the old techniques (argyrotype process) and did that perfectly. Anyhow, this conveys a universal and instantly recognisable feeling which is enhanced by a very subdued atmosphere. To be honest it's the best of you I've seen to date.
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Every aspect falls into place with this image. The soft focus and the toning give this the look of the early days of the craft of photography. The soft focus is just right. The soft light on the figures traces their curves beautifully and give a intimate and sensual feel to their embrace, it feels a bit voyeuristic, as if we were never meant to view this scene. The gentle light falling on the bodies contrasts sharply to the hard light hitting the foliage around them, which ends up framing them nicely. I do wish the foliage in the bottom right corner was a bit more subdued however, as it tugs at my attention and leads me out of the frame. I would be tempted to burn down some of its highlights. This is a powerful interpretation of the garden of Eden , the perfect Yin Yang parable of the struggle to balance the will of God with the will of his creation.
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