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© The leaf denied any attempts to co-operate with a model release

Taro Fields Kauai, Hawaii



© The leaf denied any attempts to co-operate with a model release

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I really like the highlights on the green leaves in the front of the shot and how they contrast with the dark turmoil in the background. The water has the perfect amount of ripple to it, instead of being smooth as glass, which, I think, helps give the image some added texture. The rows leading the eyes to the hills and clouds separated by the tree line is a great example of good composition.


One suggestion, if I did this, would be to get a little lower and a little closer to the first row of plants and put the horizon a little higher in the picture. Stop down if you have to, and get it all in focus. Nice photo.

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This has excellent patterns, mood,clarity and impact. The reflections in the water are quite dreamy and those clouds rolling over the distant hills are fantastic! The green contrasts so well with the grey! This is very well done indeed!
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You and Buster have done a neat job here. The leading lines provide tremendous depth, the b/g is majestic. The quality of light is just incredible - very strong shadows on the closest foliage. Did you use fill-flash?


Congratulations on this very strong composition. (I rated it 6/5, not that it shows!)

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In my opinion burning and dodging a print is ok, so why not in Photoshop? Is nothing allowed? If someone presents an image that has a city growing out of a tree trunk, some people claim "What a creative genius!" and give it high marks for creativity. To me, someone that takes an ordinary scene and enhances it slightly to create a believable image is more challenging and creative.

As to leaving an image totally unmanipulated, There are none. The minute you think of taking an image you are manipulating something.


Doug.jpg is the original file of the Taro Fields


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Aloha Robert, thanks for stopping by and leaving the link to this. I like your atmosphere even better than the one I posted today. The clouds and overcast conditions give this a much different, a more calming, softer mood. The first critique (Toby Kline) suggested something about geting lower and closer. This is almost exactly what I did, and I think that element of the one I posted works a bit better than this angle. Wish we could put the two together!! Fortunately I only live 20 minutes South of here in Kealia...so going back should not be a problem. Thanks for stopping by. Again, very nice!!


P.S.- Did you try the poi?? Most visitors dislike it greatly.

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Thanks to your pic in a review of Vinc's Taro field, I found this one of yours. Very nice also. At this time Vinc has 12,935/43 and you have 6,212/37; a close match I's say.
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