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Shadow of a Street Lamp and Old Woman

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intensa, essenziale, originale, espressionista, ben eseguita, che altro ?

Congratulazioni per questa immagine di spessore.

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Wonderful. Open to a thousand interpretations from dream image to the legacy of Fascism to the psychological duality of shadow and consciousness. You could write an essay on the underlying meaning, turn this on its ear or use it as a Rorschach test and it would still be simply a great photo and would still be just as enigmatic.



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This photo, like a few others in the "recent works" folder, belongs to the "walking-talkin' blues" section. With the precious help of your comments and critiques/suggestions I hope to present a homogeneous work on Rome and its inhabitants seen in b/w. I will never thank you enough for your support. Ciao e grazie, Giuseppe
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Anche questa mi piace molto, semplice ed efficace, bellissima la rugosità del muro. Ciao.

P.S. fammi sapere quando presenterai il lavoro su Roma e i suoi abitanti, farò in modo di esserci.

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great one Giuseppe, it definitely looks surreal because the proportions look very odd because of the way you took this and I very much like that. Lower left corner, that shadow next to the lamppost, I think you should remove that.
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Yep, the texture on the wall looks like a dinosaur skin. I spend few minutes viewing these both versions and i can't actually decide which one i like more. The other one is more simplier and that way more my taste but i have learned to like also this kind of images where the stories starts to live their own life longer you view the. Either way, both of these are well done and looks great on b/w. Warm rgs Tero.
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queste sono le tue foto che preferisco. secche, essenziali, dirette. l'ombra del lampione parla di roma. la banda nera crea un effetto parapetto che non aiuta. se la guardo senza, la foto è molto più bella, perchè ha un taglio audace molto efficace.
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thank you for the time you spend looking at and commenting my works: in these hot summer days I am particularly interested in the silent "interaction" that takes place between the Ethernal City and all the people that walks its streets. I hope I willcontinue posting something that suits your keen eyes as well your minds. Grazie di cuore, Giuseppe
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This is a thinking man's photograph.


And not from the sort of photographer who just raises his camera and takes any old photograph he 'sees'. This was planned in advance. And in accordance with the photographer's 'plan' along came the likely person, 'snap' the shutter was released and the photographer's vision was realised.


Who actually knows how many photos it took to realise this vision -- 1 or 100?


It doesn't really matter.


This one's a winner, in my book.


(and judging from the ratings, a bunch of others as well).


Best to you G.,


John (Crosley)

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first of all let me thank you by heart to have commented one of my works, it's the first time I am beyond the "barricade"! :-)) I knew since long time you have a very good eye, and so you guessed in toto how this shot was taken. I had seen the shadow and the very interesting texture, so I began shooting and - luck - this old woman decided to cross my path. click. seven shots, five preparatory and two on target. Total time: about five minutes. I thank you for your attention, Giuseppe


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For you, there will always be an 'old woman' passing.


If not here, then in some other circumstance.


Yes, indeed, you have passed any 'barricade'.


You are the creator, and you 'make' the photos come alive.


They are all your creations now.


You are not simply a witness with a camera.


John (Crosley)

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