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Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why

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indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.


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Floriana, congratulations on a well deserved POW. This appeals to me as a classic landscape, beautiful patches of red,

rich wheat and an almost monochromatic sky but to then add a figure is brilliant. It is a striking image which I would leave

entirely as it is.

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I think the model in this photo is a great touch. In fact, I think it makes the picture. Even though the model might be walking through a calm and colorful time in her life, she can see to a time when things may not be so sure. The lighting gives it a dream-like feeling.
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At first I thought I would have liked a more vivid light, but after looking at it for a while, I think it's perfect as it is; there is a warmth, a golden one, that would be lost if anything were changed. The presence of the woman is a great touch.
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I do like the colors, the muted sky works well with the grass. The photographer's decision to include a model is an interesting one. I think it adds to the composition but I think it would be a beautiful photograph without her as well. The clouds are exposed beautifully which is a good thing, since they comprise 50% of the image.


I might have burnt the shaft of wheat due south of the model, it draws my attention to the foreground and it shouldn't. I would also correct the horizon which is a little higher on the left, the effect is exacerbated by the tilt of the models parasol.


These foibles aside, the photograph works very well. Congratulations to the artist on a worthy POW.

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The addition of the woman is makes this work so well. It would be an above average image without her. With her, it's a story. The muted colors adds to the story, giving it a dreamy look. The only thing that bothers me is her umbrella. It's the brightest object in the image, therefore it's commanding much more attention than it really should. I feel it would be better suited it the umbrella were the same tone as her dress.
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"I think this would have been a perfect shot without the model."


Whoa, Hugh! The model is dressed to walk down the street in a dainty parasol, and instead she is walking though a field. This has got to be about the model, or even about the wonderful incongruity of her walking through the field in "city clothes." Perhaps it is not without its problems of composition, and perhaps the light is not yet quite golden---after all, the sun is still quite high in the sky. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. . . .


If it were going to be about the model, then I would have cropped it more tightly. If it were going to be about golden light, then I would have waited for the light to get warmer or else have taken it with a warming filter (or warmed it a bit in post-processing). Still, even as it is, with that marvelous expanse of countryside and sky almost overwhelming the figure (and perhaps that is the point), I like it, and I definitely like the fact that the model is in the picture. Should she have been clothed a tad bit more "naturally"? Well, that would have worked, too, but then we would be talking about another picture entirely, and our conservative elves would not likely have chosen it as Photo of the Week.



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I absolutly love this image... It has many very painterly qualities and reminds me of a watercolor by Winslow Homer... Bravo!
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Great light and fantasticly simple composition. This image definitely does not to be cropped or warmed in any way as the previous poster suggested (IMO) the color balance is perfect. Slight touch of cool, but still a warm overall feel.
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Floriana, I see from looking over your portfolio that the theme of a woman walking away into nature or a field or otherwise acting in ways that suggests a throwing off of socially prescribed roles seems to be a common one in your photos.


Given that one or two even have "freedom" in the title, I recognize now that the space around her is necessary. The crop constrains her too much, since the whole point is about being free from constraint. Thanks for such great photos,




and there are many more in your portfolio.



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Its a great shot. I disagree with the above post about not wanting the model in the shot. I think the model is what really makes it. I would

love to see a little more saturation in the red flowers and a blue or more colorful sky. Still a beautiful shot that makes me wonder where she

is going.

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For me the sky is just too grey. It, more than the sunlight, sets the tone for the whole thing, and makes for a

downcast image. If it had just a touch of pale blue it would have been so much better.


The composition is interesting. I would rule out a city girl taking a time out to reflect, since surely then she

would then throw away the parasol and expose herself more fully to the elements -- is that not the point of

venturing into the countryside?


I am thus led to the conclusion that she might be a city girl who just inherited a lot of land, and is out to

inspect it in spite of it being in the countryside. It is almost as if she is experiencing the texture of the

land for the first time, and comes to a moment of epiphany when she realizes that the elegance of her clothes

which she has taken for granted all her life, ultimately, is a direct reflection of the elegance of nature which

she has hitherto regarded with nothing but contempt.

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