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"All the world a stage ", W. Shakespeare (1616-1564)


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" All The World a Stage"

And all men and women merely players

They have their exits and their entrances..."



It is some years now that I create photos of visual arts, where the camera is my medium to create pieces of life, feelings, rhythms, color , hues and tones.It is a personal documentation and interpretation where life and stage are turning into one single treatise, and are a space for a wide dialogue with artists in other worlds and territories than mine , like dance, theatre, music , poetry .., as well as other cultures.




A citation of Susan Sontag words( I don't have the English version, so it is free translation) :


" PHOTOGRAPHS , are not only forwarding what was there , but what somebody saw there. , they are not only a documentation, but an interpretation as well "



In my photographs I try to isolate special episodes, and convert them, as best as my abbility, to timeless life moments. .



The human beauty in all its different landscapes, hues, cultures, ,actions ,movements music and rhythms are the center of world which connects reality, imagination and creation.




Thanks for your thought and impressions.


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Very good composition and apt caption,Pnina.Thank you very much for sharing such excellent images of so many varieties and themes.For me it is sheer joy to view your images ,admire and learn. Best wishes from India.SHALOM!


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Fantastic composition and timing. Lighting and colors are also superb. Bravo Pnina.
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Thanks Amal for the flower,very kind words and feedback, you know I appreciate it very much, Shalom to you too.



Thanks Michael, appreciate your support as well.

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Pnins, an excellent tableau with superb color and light. I love the somewhat grotesque flavor which makes us wonder if what we are seeing is all benign fun. I definitely get the hint of michief or wickedness.
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It was a joyfull, funny scene, but also with mischief and wickedness, so that is why I called it - life parade- it has all the human range of behavior...


Thanks Dimitris, Cherlyn and Roger.


Roger, you did not answer my question about your Cormoran!

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I like this diagonal composition. Tones and lighting are excellent and the image is full of detail. You keep painting with light, the way you know so well... Regards, my dear.
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This gives me a carnival feeling , playful and full of motion. The toning seems appropriate.




Your description of what you set out to achieve with your photography is precisely what I have always seen coming from your work. The ability to isolate small details, singular events, and transport them off of a small stage and place them onto the universal stage.

Your quote of Shakespeare is apt.

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Another excellent capture, Pnina. The scene, colors, light and attitudes are unique. Very good photograph! Congrats!
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It causes one to break a smile just by viewing. It seems to be unrestrained and uninhibited celebration. Attending a huge birthday party at the beach for this country yesterday reminds me of similar vein of emotion and celebration. Also makes me thing of Epicurean admonishment to eat, drink and be merry..... well, you know the rest.
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Armindo, thanks , you are right that I follow the light and scene that connects life and stage in all their nuances, where light and shadows are important factors.


Dale, thanks as well


Paula, I'm glad you like it, thanks


Glauco, thanks as well.


Gord, Thanks for finding the time, and refering to what I wrote as an introduction. When I look at a photograph and want to evaluate it I always look if the photographer wrote some introduction, it is always interesting for me, because it is IMO a part of the scene, hints sometime of sources of thoughts and feelings that created a certain work,,and also gives some understanding of the photographer's source of inspiration.


David O.thanks as well for your feedback.



Dave M.thanks for finding the time, I know you are busy with important priorities, But nice of you to refer to this one, It was the last act of a visual festival ,that took place in the theatre.This evening was a show of all the participants from different stages around the glob , and it was a show of improvisation ( not a planed one) It was crazy and with a lot of inspiration, depicting nuances of human life. The parade was the last scene that closed the evening.


I hope you enjoyed the holiday of 4th of July.


Sheryl, thanks for visting and liking


Joe, Thanks, it is a bit different from your last drawing, ;-))


Gaetan, it is really a long time.... glad to see you here, thanks for visiting and commenting.


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This is just wonderful! There's such a freedom... to dance, and laugh, and eat and drink, and play the trumpet, and just plain act silly. Another great capture and a finely made image, Pnina!
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David, thanks, always a pleasure to read your interpretation, "act silly" and freedom is wonderful, life needs it from time to time.....;-))
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Such wonderful players, full of gaiety and enthusiasm in the moment. I love the richness of the colours as well as how you captured detail and sharpness in this darkened setting. Bravo!
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Fantastic compositon. I love the green cast that runs diagonally through the image. I often wish there were ways to add sound bites to these. Well done, Pnina.
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