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camilo estudio

camara D-200- - y exposicion de f 14 1/250seg. en iso 100Balance de blancos personal

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Nude and Erotic

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I've noticed that photgraphers from different nations treat the nude very differently. I won't go into detail, so as not to offend, but we Americans have a sort of "Playmate of the Month" approach - we seem to feel that the tone of the nude study should be sharp, explicit, and to an extent, arousing. This study is in contrast to that approach. The woman is a real person, lovely, but not a Texas corn-fed blond ( although the breast augmentation - which I think, as a physician, is apparent - probably didn't improve what was already a more than passable figure ). What is particularly compelling is the the manner in which you've manipuated the depth of field, likely post-capture

( again, I'm guessing, as the DoF is a mere meter or so ), softening the entire composition, acheiving a dream -like quality. And the linear folds in the sheet , widening out, so as to direct ones vision from infinity to the subject ( or from the subject to infinity), was a masterful touch, again contributing to the ethereal quality of the study.


I've stopped, for the most part, posting nudes, as there seems to be an anti-nude contingent amongst the membership - and ratings will vary according to who happens to be on line. In addition, nudes are perceived in so many different ways, that personal aesthetics overwelms considered judgement.


My take on your picture - terrific and well composed, with a definite ambiance, not of sexuality, but sensuality. Well done.


Craig Unger, M.D.

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This is one stunning image and I congratulate you on your fine work. A big 6/6 from me well done.
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En principio pensé que la foto estaba desenfocada sin querer. Parecía que la tomaste con la modelo de pie, por los pechos tan enhiestos. Una toma bien enfocada de todo el cuerpo tambien sería muy buena foto. Es curioso como te salió perfecta al insinuar sin mostrar con definición medio cuerpo. Me parece muy buena.
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