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Shelter from the Storm

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This is an amazing image Giuseppe!!!

The perceptual conflict between inside and outside is perfect - the lamp post adds an incredibly Surreal feeling - and the strong diagonal seems to keep everything in motion. Amazing capture!

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Like an 6-eyed alien staring back at me while I'm cheririshing this dynamic and dramatic composition. Keep your eyes open and your PC busy, we are waiting for more! ;-)
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another little masterpiece! I think that sometimes your titles are too "limited" for your photos, that often offer different levels of interpretation.

I agree with Markku and his 6-eyed alien: for me the title could be "death from above" rather than "shelter from the storm" and this fantastic shot could be a frame coming straight from H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds...

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made me think about several aspects of my photo technique/philosophy.


Markku, I promise you I will keep my eyes open and my PC busy: I am studying Rome under the old neo-realistic light and the task is very difficult (if not presumptuous): I hope that with your support and critical ideas I will produce some not-so-bad works.


Marco, I titled this work following a sudden glimpse of memory and an emotional impulse about a Bob Dylan song which - on his turn - is in some ways related to this biblical passage [isaiah 25:4]: "You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall and like the heat of the desert."


I chose this work to open my little neo-realistic gallery because I thought it would have been appropriate to put all the subsequent works under this common theme: photography can give voice to modern ghosts, to all the outskirts dwellers, town beggars, common citizens that day after day walk the streets of the big prostitute. But you and Markku gave me another beautiful point of view, a new perspective under which (re)consider this work, and I am really grateful and happy about this, and agree with you: sometimes my titles are a bit "limited", so, please, suggest new ideas and titles, critique, dissect and rearrange whenever you want: this is why I post and show my works here. Thank you and excuse me for this boring lines, ciao, Giuseppe

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It's like a little curio cabinet where God keeps little odds and ends till he needs them for his latest creation. There's really no end to your imagination, it soars like a kite over the landscape, dipping and rising and showering us with captivating images.
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incredibile. sembra parente di una pozzanghera, la tua nel cielo e l'altra a terra. tra l'altro, come la hai esposta? sul vetro meno qualcosina? ci sono perfino le lampadine del lampione.
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