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Erotic. Body # 16.


One of my provocative nude.

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Nude and Erotic

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Good composition, good lighting. The water drops add the much needed texture. It's a very good shot.
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This is very well done. As said, the water adds a perfect amount of texture. The human body is such a great thing to photograph. Absolutely beautiful!
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Amazing idea, with a terrific realization. The drops add to the sensual / sexual provocation, suggesting physical effort... Great lighting and composition, but this is rather obvious. One thought though: top curve slightly too harsh (does it make any sense??) to my taste, breaking a little the aesthetic beauty of the pic. Cheers, Alex
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Very good lighting again, and not in the face, despite the subject... Yet, not me, but bare in mind that this image could be objectionable to some people... Regards.
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Reminds me of a capsicum, possibly a budding tulip. The droplets are a fine touch, the diagonal's a peach. Nice work.
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Very nice photo, very good work.......

composition is very good......

this photo let's the viewer know .......

all part's of the body can be art......


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This could pass almost for some fractured stone after a rain. It's a beautiful study of texture and form. You've handled for some what may be a touchy subject in a very artistic and sensitive way. Very nice.
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This photo is bold, and by that very fact, it escapes from the mundane and ordinary. The lighting is quite extraordinary, giving an otherwise anatomical detail tremendous force and impact. I would normally find a photo of such intimacy quite distasteful. In this particular case, it is a work of art. Congratulations to the author and his model for their audacity and imagination. (edited to remove non-critique comments)
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The author has to be commended for tackling a very difficult subject. He has succeeded in creating a fascinating image and I find it beautiful irrespective of the subject matter.
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I am not a priest, even not a beliver to any religion. But I did feel this picture objectionable and offensive, though technically it is well done. Intimacy is Intimacy, I donot belive that ANY part of human body can be ART. I cannot understand why the photographer chose such a subject. I donot like this kind of way of capturing public attention by over-audacity.
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Photographed with technical competence, but all the eroticism has been designed out of this subject. It is now an object for us to free associate. For me, this apparatus has been graphically disassociated from anything womanly, which means it has no erotic impact on me. As stated above, it could be a stone...

"subject" or "object" seems to be our issue, yes? This object has no eroticism to me, unless it is attached (literally, visually, spiritually or metaphorically) to a subject, i.e. a woman... t

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"No-one claimed that the photo is erotic, Trevor"... Actually, Gianni, it says "Erotic" in bold, 16 pt type right at the top of this page... t
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I think there are two ways to look at the water droplets. One is to view them as a condensation, which usually suggests a cold surface. That may explain why some viewers assosiate this image with a rock. Another way to view the droplets as a sweat on a steamy body. Igor what was your intention? I think the later :-)
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