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Manta Ray


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The key to underwater photography is getting really really close to your subject. All of the microrganisms,and other suspended particles in the water between you and the subject diffuse the light. Many of the good underwater photographs are taken less than two feet from the subject with wide-angle lenses. There are of course exceptions, but they are rare and in really crystal clear water.


Thanks for sharing.

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Yes, Don has a point...however sometimes when the rules are broken you end up with a photo that works. And in this case it does.


It's important to note a few things.


1.) the aesthetics of the photo - the lighting and the eerie quality add up to a winner


2.) the realism of the photo (this is usually what you get with mantas and eagles)


3.) the fact that this is not a macro shot! Yes, you should get close an try to eliminate as much water between you and your subject. However in any wide angle shot - particularly one of critters - that just ain't gonna happen! You have to snap away and pray for a great shot.


Since I do this for a living, I can tell you that I've had numerous encounters such as this, and they don't stick around long, unless you're on rebreather (doubtful you were in Largo, tho.)


This is a great photo given that you have a very elusive subject.


If you want to get up close to Mantas I have several suggestions (none of which are cheap), 1.) go on rebreather

2.) take at least 2 Nikonos or housed Nikons

3.) bring a dpv (diver propulsion vehicle) with you - cause you can't outswim these guys! ;-)


Great photo. Keep snapping!


And dive safe and dive often!


Melissa Milligan


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One or more of the following must apply: bad visibility, subject too far, lens not wide enough. It had lots of potential though.
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