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The trick is to make lousy pictures, and then they come to tell you nicely that the image sucks. And in that process a nice discussion develops. That's my secret. LOL
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Bud who, Bud Light. Nice you put him next to that sign. It's very funny because Juan told us just the other day he loooooooooves that stuff ;-)


David, Juan. It's a very good portrait. And David, you did damned good on the b&w. Must be because you stopped drinking.

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First I would like to invite all of you to visit me in Montana...


Yeah...even you David...

What fun we could have....shooting up this part of the wild west...


As for my character...I think it's more like Goofy...thanks to David for posting this one again...


I have already thought of mixing this stuff with fruit juice...take it from me...V-8 and Yukon Jack suck.!...But as far as meeting Hot Chicks...Yes a juice bar is a great place to meet the babes!

I knocked back a few with this one!...


As for ten thousand pics of myself....that will come with time...I have only around 4,500 ...


Today I learned how to coat paper with emulsion to make my own traditional Azo B&W paper...a shame this was not shot on film...I could of made a real master piece out of it...


Hey I appreciate all you comments here on this post...

Mr.Meyer really needs the support...


Oh...and well...the invite stands...see yall in Montana! soon...


Doctore de Santa Anna

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Well, your secret method certainly worked in my case, didn't it. I guess if I get lonely for conversation or attention, I'll go through my culls and post some.


It's true that there's more to talk about in imperfection than perfection. Not that either of us is in danger of the latter.

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What really counts is the big smile that this brought to my face and then the great commentary to follow. So nice to see Juan in his natural surroundings:-)! Also, nice black and white...lessons from Ton?





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Doug: Hey, this guy's "natural surroundings" would be a cave. Good to see you around my man. You are becoming a scarcer commodity around here.


Tim: Glad the wise old man could depart some wisdom to you.


Dick: No Ton wouldn't help me out. He said if I paid air fare and per diem, and guided him around the western U.S. he would impart some of his black and white wizardry to me, but I couldn't afford it. So I'm on my own. LOL I have to admit, that I still do not have a SOP in conversions. Sometimes I use channel mixer, sometimes hue and saturation and sometimes third party plugins.

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Guest Guest


A portrait that fits right into your view of the world. Makes perfect sense. Great capture of the man and the place. Good story to be told. Compelling eye connection. Lots of life in the highlights on the bottles all over the place. Love the ceiling graffiti.
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I love both these characters, they're good souls. It's not unusual in Montana to go in a Bar and find a family dining there, children are allowed in Montana Bars (but not served alcohol of course), and the local watering holes are often more of a community center. I tried a swig of that ol' Jack stuff when Juan came to visit and once was enough for this teetotaleer. Nice BW conversion friend David. BTW, I sent you an email weeks ago and it came back as undeliverable, and thanks for the phone call both of you amigos. Life is good again.
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Thanks. I'm very gratified that you like this. All the more so given that it is pretty much a straight forward image, without great underlying meaning.
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I've emailed you, so I'll be short. I'm so happy to have your voice here again. I've missed you.
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Thank you. There is nothing magical here. It was taken in color (digital, of course) and I used a PhotoShop plugin to convert to b & w. A few minor adjustments of contrast and levels, and it's a done deal. It is certainly not as dramatic as many of your images, but I'm grateful that you looked and found it satisfactory. Take care.
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All I can say is.... Ahhh!!!! The Copper Queen Saloon if I'm not mistaken.

Thursday Night is Taco Night. One of those places that hold many fine spirits... and I speak not of the many fine imbibements... But rather I speak of the people.


This is a fantastic shot David. This fills my head with colloquial stories washed down with the nectar of inspiration and appitites satisfied with fellowship and clemency, not to mention the best food that is the worst for you, but still to damn good to pass up.


Makes me want to head out to some of my own old haunts, and get come chili fires and a cold one.


Love the details and the over all feel of this fine vernacular work. If nothing else the feeling is convey and that is the mark of a fantastic photo.

Kudos to both you and the Doc.


Hats off.


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When I ask how, I did not mean things like 'color' "photoshop" etc. I thought you would say things like, used a tripod or did not, my lens was, I got the depth of field by...etc. I am courious how you did it because....
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Hiya. You'd have liked this place. I'll bet if you had done this picture there would have been a vampire or cannibal sitting next to Juan (or maybe behind the bar).
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Guest Guest


FYI, If you use photoshop, there is a menu called "File Info" (in CS2 it's under the main FILE menu up at the top). There, it will tell you the exact focal length you used, the ISO, the shutter speed, and the F-Stop.
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Thanks. I thought there was a method to gather that info, but have not known what it was. Interestingly enough, when you upload a photo to Flickr, all the EXIF info is transfered up and posted with the image.
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If you want to loose the exif data on your flicker uploads you can use ' save for web' in PS and it will be stripped out. I use ' save for web' here at PN, not to hide the exif but because it is the easiest way I know of to change the colour space and downsize files.


Every time I come back to this image I get thirsty :)

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Actually I like the data being preserved with the picture, and believe it can help others who are curious about an image. It would be fine with me if Pnet uploaded the info. Hell, I can imagine the day when every step in post processing will be recorded and uploaded with the image. I don't think that would be all bad.


I've always just worked with PhotoShop RGB and downsized the image to a suitable size and then uploaded. I no web colors are not as numerous as monitor colors, but I have never noticed any significant deterioration or change from what I saw on my monitor and what gets uploaded. I have heard a lot of folks claiming that their image changed after it was uploaded. Can you educate me on this issue? If you don't know, Gord, I'll bet Fred or Ton could educate me on this issue. Thanks

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