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Spin That Dial


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My attempt at creating a PN friendly image worthy of much high

rating... I've been wrong before. Thanks for your time and effort.

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Hell, you fooled me into thinking it was a good image. But, heh, that's no big accomplishment so don't let that go to your head. The curvature of the siding is most interesting and the placement of the magical lamp below the window is absurdist.
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I'm gonna guess that, in actuality, it takes a hell of a lot to trick you!


Man I wish they would fix this font size issue, my typing looks like tiny insects on the screen. I need a magnifying glass to proof read.


I was trying to get the perspective corrected on this one, when I decided to see what would happen if I tried to get it wrong. I thought of our recent discussion and my thoughts about messing with colour images as apposed to B&W. Well.... one thing led to another and before long I was having fun. The original scene already had the window painted in, so it was not I who started this whole cartoonist interpretation. Oh yeah and these people also have a life size plastic moose in front of their store but that's another story and photo.

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Okay, I thought my settings got messed up somehow. Glad I'm not the only one with micro text. And the scruntched up picture layout sucks too! This image however, works rather well.The lightpost has that war of the worlds look.especially with the sharpening halo around it. I also like the distortion of the slats . The window just throws me for a loop. I like it! p.s. hope you captured the moose too!
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Oh yeah! Bring on the plastic moose. I can hardly wait to see what you have done to it. Hey, and while I'm back here, I should have mentioned earlier that the single thing that I liked least in this one was that lower left corner. I wish you had cloned in more slats or cropped it out. Minor nit. And, thanks for mentioning the font size. I thought it was just me. Thankfully a red line shows up under everything misspelled and I can see that. Otherwise I'd have comments full of typos because I can't even see the individual letters.
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Oddly enough I did not go over the top here with the sharpening so it must have been some other of my slider excesses that caused those halos.


I guess it is going to take a bit more time to iron out all the kinks from the latest site improvements.


Stay tuned the moose is still in production :)



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The moose is still in need of ... well I'm not sure what really , which is why he is still unfinished. Leaving that dark block in the corner was deliberate. I know it is kind of distracting and annoying but hey that's me.


You are doing better than me, I can barely see those red lines :) If they do not get it sorted out soon I am going to have to lower my screen resolution so I can read the text without going cross-eyed.

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I actually like the oversharpening and distortion here. In addition to the lines, it gives an attractive textural effect to the wood. Personally, I would crop out the dark triangle bottom left which I find distracting. Very nice image.
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Thanks for taking a look and leaving your thoughts. As much as I hate relinquishing an annoyance, your comment along with David's convinced me to crop out the bottom corner.


I usually create whatever distortion appears in my photos in-camera so this is a foray into uncharted waters for me. Although I did have a bit of fun with this, I can't really see making a habit out of it :)


In case anyone may be interested here is the version with that annoying distraction in the bottom left hand corner.

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Having now seen the original, I gotta say this looks might good to me right out of the camera. I see what David means about the lower left corner, but I don't think I agree. Rather than a distraction, it serves for me to anchor and balance the image. I think there's merit both ways: anchored and not, and I'm not sure I prefer either over the other.


About "PN friendly image worthy of much high rating..." I think it definitely is!

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I owe you an apology. I realized after the fact, but too late for your comment that I had phrased my response so poorly, that it implied that my attachment was the original out of camera file. I rewrote the response after your commented but before seeing your comment.The truth is that my first attachment was a manipulated version but was the one I originally posted. To try and further clarify this here is the original RAW file with no adjustments.

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That's certainly a house of another color, isn't it?! I love what you've done with the place :)
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That is better. My small mind requires convention be served. Glad I was able to annoy you.
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Thanks for so graciously letting me off the hook. Glad you like what I've done with the place :)
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I would surely loose in a whose mind is smaller contest but I will take you on in a who is more annoying match :) Thanks for the motivation.
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This is goofy/great, Gordon. Hey, it works, and it's fun, and it's very well done. I have no idea what I've just written because, like you, I can't see the words without a magnifying glass. I hope my remarks were pleasant. Warm retgards...
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it's tough to be an artist alone in a world of comment -- weathered reflections of lost love from within and without... this is exceptional work!!!
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Thanks, I always look forward to your take on my images, insightful and poetic as your words often are.


This one just sort of happened spontaneously while I was fooling around with all those sliders that I usually never touch :)

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You are unbelievable, just looking at this one made me smile. first seeing the Rawfile, than seeing the lower L ,and the result I'm seening right now....


That window/painting with the lamp lighting the lower part instead

of being located on the upper part, lighting the window/ painting...

As there is no real house, only a wall, are you in the inside looking at a painting? outside?looking at the blue sky?....


I like the ambiguity Gord. The diagonal wall direction and color palette( wonderful).

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Not even going to guess how much joke this was to you, but the important thing was that you enjoyed it ;) Actually you did a great job from the RAW file, very unique presentation of a window and a lamp post on LSD. But may i say also... god i hate that yellow tone... :)
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LOL I think you and I have a similar sense of humour :)


This is the outside wall of a gas station I stopped at last week on my way to pick up some trout to stock my pond. They had painted the inside of the glass in the window to look like a scene in a window. I thought it looked strange enough to warrant a photo.

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Thanks, this was a first and quite possibly only venture into digital alteration. It was almost too easy and too much fun :)
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