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Tu-Du-Hospital in Ho-Chi-Minh-City. Hundreds of preparations of born and unborn children are kept in a small room. Many of them originate from provinces which were attacked by defoliants during the war.



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This is a bit of a shocker but nicely executed and very original I think. I would have liked to see it withough the reflections on the jars but that may not be possible.
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I am a bit confused about the ratings this photo has received...1's??? Had it been a photo of flowers in a jar or something nice to look would they be higher? This photo is posted in the news/journalism section - these photos are not always going to be pretty to look at - I think most people don't like to look at dead babies, me included. However, the lighting, composition, DOF, tones and contrast are all great. Very nicely done...IMO. Josh.
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Hi Roland, this is one of those shots that show the truth is stranger and more shocking than fiction. I think this is one of the most effective shots in your portfolio. Very nicely recorded ... Tony
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People have their blinders on. They don't realize they're living in a tunnel. I think the places you're going to and the images you're bringing back are impressive. People don't know what they're talking about when they knit-pick over small compositional things with images like this. Aesthetics is secondary to the subject matter in journalistic phtography. If somebody is going to comment about these pictures, the first thing they should address is the subject.
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this picture is extremely powerful, just the fact that you were able to get this picture is a testiment to your abilities.


at first I aggreed with previous comments about the reflections however i think the reflection is an intrigal part of the image. it makes the subject seem less important...in the context of the room, these jars are simply inventory, which makes the theme that much more potent.

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I saw this image and I did not know how to rate it. This image is shocking and disturbing to the viewer - as well it should be as it portrays an ugly truth. This image, and this series, represents courageous photo-journalism at its best - unafraid to show an unpleasant truth. Well done on this photo and the series.
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. . . . . " - I think most people don't like to look at dead babies, me included." . . . Most people don't like the truth what they own government do. They don't like the truth, because the truth is not, what they had in the mind about themselves. Brain washed by they government. You and me as mach guilty of those thing as those multi millionaires, super-powerful persons who don't care, as long as the agenda is in the right tracks. As long, as the gold and oil flowing to they packet. "Pawer is money, and money is power" . . . "Power is corrupt, and absolute power is absolute corrupt".


Iraq war; "We don't count civilian casualties". . . !


Images, we never has to forget.



Regards; Bela

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Such a strong and depressing image, that needs to be aired. Not sure how I can mark this as aesthetically it repulses me, not the photo the fact that anyone can do this to another human being.
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These pictures are too important in content for me to even think of rating its aesthetics. Thank you for capturing these stories, I'm sure it must have been incredibly difficult to photograph, seeing as how its so difficult for us to even view.
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