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Path's end 2


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I've reworked this photo from a previous post. This time I've tried

it in black and white. Please offer a critique. Thank you for your

time and interest.

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I am a big fan of Black and White when the colors are not combinations of grays, but truly are BLACK and WHITE. As such I do like this version of the image, but I feel that the color version is superior and always will be. The background colors in the other version are so wonderful that b&w or grayscale will never be able to compete with them.
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Hi Sarah:


Back in the Jurasic era, I spent a lot of time making high contrast images with Kodalith film. Not one of them ever worked out as well as this image. A magnficent composition! Just enough black space on the bottom to balance the looming thicket -- which makes a natural arch at the top, bringing the viewer's eye back into the scene. And the solitary figure, neither too big nor too small, offset ever so slightly to keep everything dynamic and lively. Imponderable solitude in the midst of nature's complexity. Just perfect! --jim

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Shawn and Jim, I have often wondered if the "successful" photographs that I have taken were captured by chance. I lack the technical know-how and professional education that many of the PN users have acquired. However your comments have brought me to this realization; I can learn the technical and I can be educated by experience and persistance. But, to achieve recognition by such talented photographers as yourselves I must have an eye for it, I must have vision. You have given me such a boost of confidence- which is pivotal to success. Your comments made my day!
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