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Why do people even bother just typing, "yahoo it rocks" "great job dude"....does that really qualify as a critique? I cannot imagine that is any help to the photographer in his quest to get better...


I guess your photo is so well done it may be hard to say anything negative, but hey how about a list of what specifically makes it good?


Good exposure, details still in whites and reasonable in the shadows/blacks too...Wonder fully soft back ground and what a good color as a background too, nice and smooth put all the attention on the subject....Action, Action, Action you need a pat on the back all these birders take these "deer in the headlight" shots or "mug shots" of birds which are OK, but yawn yawn boring and stale when held up to a great action/behaviour shot this this one! The mouth open mid scream is a great action capture as well as the in flight action freeze and the interaction with the other bird, wow! Crisp focus in just the right place "the eye/face". The crop and position in the frame is perfect the main birds face line up really close to the "rule of 3rds" line. The only tiny tiny thing i could wish for is if we could see both birds faces clearly rather than the back of the head of the second bird, but that may distract from you strong center of interest/focus... Thanks for a great action shot, I needed a break from the "deer in the headlights" mug shots! Critiquers stop the one liners, and give some helpful feedback eh? If not for the photographer than at least do it for the tons of people who read the critiques to learn from them...

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Jerry, this is wonderful. I have to wonder how long you had to wait to get a shot like this?


I agree with Bracken B's comments as to "why" this is so good. The skill level runs the gamut on PN. I think that there are a lot of people who are fairly new to photography and perhaps they don't feel qualified to make lengthy detailed critiques of other's works. I can say for myself that it is intimidating to offer advice and opinions to someone who's work you really admire. It also takes time to give lengthy, detailed critiques, something most don't have a lot of. To me a few words of praise, encouragement or positive criticism is better than nothing. When people do take the time to offer extensive advice I am delighted.



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Awesome Jerry, everything about this is outstanding, To Bracken, people have busy lives and don't always have time to write a novel about why a great photo is great. I'm sure Jerry understands why this is a great photograph. He doesn't need help with this photo. We are congratulating him on a job obviously well done.
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Gorgeous action shot Jerry! Not only a beautiful capture but these also happen to be my favorite birds of prey, thanks for sharing.

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