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Is life like a SOAPopera or should I say SOAPbubble ?


just palying in Paint SHOP with an old picture taken from a window SHOP

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I was just playing around in paint SHOP with an old picture taken

from a SHOP window, all comments are appreciated (serious or not

serious), just because I like them and it feeds my soal....


--thanks Els

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It was a great photo to begin with. The SOAPbubbles and the title just make it better.


You appear to be having too much fun. They might have to tax you for that ;)


Cheers ~

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Dear Alberta, I don't think anybody can do anything having fun, even if it is too much ;D


Hi Micky, that is a surprise to see you, I am very honored, the woman who loves BIG smiles, I have exactly the same, thanks


Rycho, perhaps it is better to say looooooooooooooooooooosers ;D


Amal, and the problem is when it is a soapbubble, and it explode, you have NOTHING


Hallo Ruud, ja we hebben dezelfde 'obsessie' etalagepoppen, groetjes


--with love Els





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We believe two bodies on a bed can only says, "This is life." But, God shows us a body on a cross and says, "This is life."

So, its all about that SOAPopera where SOAPbubble plays the role of LIFE. When it explode we think we have nothing, but only from there life starts.

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Most things are like bubbles, so treasure the good things that we have. Very good execution & titled, Dear Else.
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Very nicely done Els. Very imaginative & technically very good. I may have not included the bubble over her mouth. Oh, great title for it as well
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She is just out of the bath, her hair wrapped in crepe paper to dry...Of course she wears her pearls when she bathes.............


Ellllllllllllllllls! hello dear one! I am still here. Happy. In love. Flickring away....You've been on my mind.....

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Dear Kaushik, thank you... I will tell you a little story, I am raised in a catholic family, and was always intrigued by Jezus on the cross, we had some 'hanging'(sorry for that word) all over... and one day I did get them from the wall and decided to put him of the cross, I was 7 years I think, and put the bodys in cotton wool, GREAT times Kaushik, realy GREAT times, I am not sure why I am telling you this, but I DO BELIEVE IN LOVE....Life starts from that point


Dear Cherlyn, for sure I am treasuring the good things I have, for sure... I have a lot of good things in my life


Thanks Marc, love to see you and get a comment, realy love it


Nou warempel, daar hebben we de rooie, ik schrik me 'dood' en dat laatste woord is niet meer aan de orde.... scheelde trouwens niet veel, en wil je meer weten dan bel je me maar even, ik heb nog steeds dat telefoonnummer met al die achten erin... en over kleurige foto's, beter kijken Rooie, zit toch wel veel humor in...









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Thanks Ken, long time no see, very nice you did get the time to leave a comment, and yess about this bubble on the mouth, it just did came out this way, and didn't see a problem in it...oh well what to say.... blub!


LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you made my day (as you did a lot)miss you very very very very much... come back pleassssssssssssssssssssse, and give my love to Roger.... and you are a lot in my soal too, always, that will never, never go away, perhaps I have to Flickr around also


Hi Jeff, good to see you... and thanks


--with love Els



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Jeff and Allon .... I always like wow's and amazing.... realllllllllly... a lot of other people cannot say this.... but I can learn also from just seeing a comment.....thanks
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