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© copyright 2001J. Brand

Fall foliage reflected in Sugar Creek



© copyright 2001J. Brand

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This picture was scanned at 2400 dpi from a Velvia slide. I have

questions about the exposure. Because a polarizer was not used, the

sky is a little lighter than it might have been, but the colors are

otherwise true. Any comments or suggestions?

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Mixed feelings on this one. The light is harsh and the colors are not at their optimal. As this subject isn't going to run away, I'd go back there and maybe concentrate on the red foliage in the center. There's some potential also at the left, where the yellow leaves would stand out from the dark background; a work for a long lens. The reflection is what makes me doubt about this image. Sure it's too centered, but if you look at it sideways, it looks like a colorful butterfly with the line on the stone at the right making up for the antennae. Go back there next fall (in few weeks I guess) and try again!


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I hadn't seen the butterfly until Gerard's comment, but fall colors and reflections are one of my favorite subjects. I like the fact that the color isn't at its peak and uniform throughout the trees and think that lends a center of interest to the red of this image. It is centered somewhat, and my eye keeps getting drawn to the yellow branches to the left of it. Wonder if cropping the image vertically just to the right of the yellow branch on the left would improve both the red tree as a center of focus and take it a little toward a stronger position to the left side of the image. Also, a graduated neutral density filter might help balance the color in the reflections. As is very evident in this image, there is about a three f-stop difference between the brightness of reflections and that of the image being reflected. Balancing that using a ND filter may bring greater punch to the whole.
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I feel that the photograph captures the beauty,peace and tranquility of a special place.

I can picture gliding along in a cedar-strip canoe trying to take it all in....

Alternate cropping could help the split image or possibly a foreground element.

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I really appreciate the thoughtful, helpful comments and suggestions. I'll have to add a graded ND filter to my bag and start working with it. I may even go back and try other times of day. It's odd, but concentrating on one color center should have occurred to me, but didn't until I read the feedback. Thanks for taking the time and effort to help!
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I like the colors, and sure you could boost the sky with a cir.pol. I'm just not real into the composition. I like the mirrored reflections, but there seems not to be alot of drama in the trees/colors. So if you've got a chance to re-shoot this, I'd definitely make the effort. I think there's a great composition in there! I'm sure you'll find it!
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The image does convey the serene beauty of the place. I agree that the image is too centered. The rule of thirds would work well with this image. I also find the patch of sky on right upper corner distracting. A ND filter might help a bit but so would a polaring filter.
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