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the house that george built


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Wonderful Tiffany :) I love the threatening drama in the sky. Lets all do our part for the environment and plant a "bush" in Texas.




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Thanks Mike. There was a woman who lived in a modest house surrounded by beautiful woods. She died and left the land to her daughter. Her daughter moved in and sold the woods to some developers who built (I believe) 18 bloated houses with very little room between each other...with the starting selling price of six-hundred-thousand(this is not a wealthy neighborhood). She boasted to my husband that "Finally...that land is not being wasted". It is just so damn sad.
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It is sad and bizarre to me that someone would actually want to live in a 6,000 sq.ft. MacMansion, with no trees and 2 inches from the neighbors. And at what sacrifice... a forest in this example, or small family farms as is happening on the east coast. So we lose fertile farmland (and independent farmers), forests (and the wildlife they protect), increase stormwater runoff (not to mention eye pollution), and for what? Ah yes... nothing like a wasteful consumer driven lifestyle to provide people with a false sense of status and importance. But I suppose we all have different priorities and ideas of what is important, meaningful and wasteful in life. I personally would rather live modestly, humbly and lightly on the land, surrounded by beauty that I know would be there for my children. Your photo tells an important story.




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Unfortunately the more that these are built...the less chance our kids have of seeing the beautiful unspoiled places. Even if we DO live off the grid and outside the wall. At this stage of the game...I find that acceptance (not to be confused with complacency!) is the best medicine for me. Although I hope that both my children will be revolutionaries.
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You know I just returned from the US,been there to many times to count,but this trip was the last one.From coast to coast this is what you see,no difference what state you are in, the same over bloated ,over sized houses,no trees or maybe a token one,the manicured lawns kept clipped with ride on movers, the huge garages with their suv,s,the malls filled with cheap labour goods......Lost in paradise,the american dream gone amok.I look around and the poverty is appaling, people sleeping in the streets, in their cars,scrounging bins for scraps,while their heads are spinning from the tall tales told to them by their leaders, that this is the greatest democracy in the world, and they should feel priveledged to live in it.This is the sort of democracy that the US wants the rest of the world to have,heaven help us.The world is running out of resources,the materials needed to build these monsters come from the rainforests of the world, where simple people have survived for generations living sustainably, but no more thanks to this greed.The greed is not just for materials for these monsters, but for everything including fuel to power the dream...meanwhile more habitats are cut down, more species go extinct................To the american dream I say let them eat cake,I muse to wonder what the cake will be made of.........Great shot Tiffany,as your whole american dream folder is.Go out there and do more........cheers Birte
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Thank you Birte. For your powerful words...your inspiring images...your passion and compassion for all the vulnerable populations and for stopping by to hear my voice too.
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