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And Jesus Wept - Oklahoma City Memorial


Post processing done in Photoshop cs3. Exposure details: f/8, 1/500", ISO100, 10mm.

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I hadn't seen any images or heard about this statue until I walked past it on my way to the memorial. It startled me so ... took my breath away and left me in tears before I even went into the memorial area. I don't typically post religious images. But this time I make an exception.


Two photographic notes. First, it HAD to be in B&W. Of course. Second, I typically try to have a person or animal facing INTO the image ... but it seemed more fitting to have the statue facing OUT of the image. Does that make sense?

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Geez, you and your comments, "...INTO...OUT of..." Who cares? (and 'no' it doesn't make sense, LOL!). This is just a terrific image! I love the black and white; it is perfect for the exposure, and for the composition. I'd crop or clone the quote on the black marble base; your photograph says it much more eloquently. While you're cloning, get rid of the car on the far left side. This is a heck of a shot, Lou Ann; one of your best ever! Cheers! Chris
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You're so right; I always read your comments. Heck-fire, Lady, you 'pummel' me with comments and questions. You are one of the most dynamic and energetic individuals on PN; and you've become an absolute dear friend to me. You and I are a lot more alike than we probably care to admit (LOL!). I really mean what I said about this image, Lou Ann; it really is one of your very finest photographs. This is a photograph that really should be exhibited some place; and I surmise that a lot of people might like to acquire a copy. Well done, well done! Cheers! Chris
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Chris - thank you, and thank you, and thank you. I appreciate your kind words and very much appreciate the fact that you keep up with my photography. I'm also excited to hear that you think this is one of my best images. I would certainly "spiff" if up if I were to print it for sale ... I'd get rid of the car on the side as well as the street light next to the entrance to the memorial.
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Fantastic composition and visualization, Lou Ann. You've caught just the right angle and justaposition of elements to create the feeling of incongrous parts coming together in a natural collage.
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This image is so powerful it's like a movie: I believe those clouds are zooming by overhead. I believe I'm standing in front of the statue. For a two-dimensional photograph to produce that effect is just fantastic. To be honest, I was so caught up in the hands on the face and clouds that I didn't even notice the inscription on the base or the car. So for my two cents, I wouldn't do a thing to this fine photo. Great job!!
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I think this is amazing...probably your best photo. First, weeping Jesus in the foreground with the memorial in the background (nice DOF choice to leave it in focus, btw...) is quite poignant. Second, it is beautiful--the contrast between the white of the statue and the black of the monument and the beautiful clouds. I think it's fine that Jesus is turned outward and does not at all detract from the photo. My only advice would be to try to crop out the traffic signals and the car just because they are a little distracting. Overall, very good.
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Lou Ann, you are right that the rule generally is to have the figure facing in to the image. here it works so much better having him facing out. first, it has him turned away from a tragedy too terrible to look at, and it creates a relationship between the statue and the viewer, bringing us into his circle of grief.
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What a great shot--very moving. The tones are remarkable and really usher the way into a deeply emotional experience. Extremely well done.
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A powerful and wonderful image! Based on seeing the previous color versions of the scene I'd have to say that choosing b&w is the best option for this one. Very Nice!
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Yes. It makes sense. Like he would be sorry about something evil or something. And turnind away from it. Maybe if I was standing on those traffic lights? :) Or something else? I like this a lot. No ratings, since I do not them anymore. a s l a
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Marvelous impact! This image is so strong, I never would have noticed the car if Chris hadn't mentioned it. Very impressive.
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Lou Ann,


There is a wonderful balance between the white figure of Jesus and the black geometric shapes under and behind him. Those clouds really add punch and energy to the overall image, they seem to radiate out from the figure, giving it a mystical, sacred look. The high contrast really gives this a crisp, clean air and enhances the drama. This is very impressive, striking image. I agree with those who say this is your best yet. I am looking forward to seeing what you do next.






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Lou Ann, so much was altready said that I will add only that the sky is a great backdrop to the statue and its meaning, The angle is very well chosen, and yes it is impressive !
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I can't believe I haven't seen this before as I've gone through your portfolio. This is a very moving and powerful image. You've shot it perfectly, I'd say. (save for the couple of things you said you would crop out) And you have an incredible sky to support it. I don't mind the inscription on the bottom, but I do think it looks a little cockeyed next to the edge of the frame. I don't think you can straighten it without making the statue appear to be leaning, so you may want to crop it out. But really, this is just an outstanding job!
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