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The tear pearls of the mother Earth


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This has been an odd start for the February. At this time of the year

we should have about -10 or -15 degrees celsius. Instead we have had

about +3, etc... Last year we had at least some amount of snow, now we

have tons of water drops dripping from the trees. To me, these drops

are the tears of the mother Earth. How do you see them? Care to share

your pondering about the warming climate? Thank you for your time and


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I have lived in Bloomington, Illinois for the last 15 years, and this has been the coldest winter of those 15. Alaska and Minnesota are also experiencing their coldest winters in quite some time. In some areas, its warmer, others colder. I don't get too worried about modest temperature fluctuations. People should be more concerned about genocide in Africa, murder on our streets, or in our women's wombs.


Very nice pic, anyway.

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This winter for us here, proves to be severe in matters of low temperatures only.Little rain and not enough snow mean that thirst will be inevitable this summer,for people,livestock and farming.I only hope we'll have some rainfall in the next few months,before our hot summer starts again.As for present weather,Athens downtown is expecting the first snowfall of the year ,on Sunday!I'll keep you informed.

Best wishes and warm regards.

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