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Now that I've caught up to the discussion, I'd like to add ... I agree ... why not have the discussion here?


Barb, I'm very sorry to hear of these grizzly experiences that you, your sister and your daughter have gone through. I wish no one had to go through things like this!


What Jayme has said about the hospital care to those who cannot afford it is correct. The hospitals have financial assistance departments, and if one qualifies, one gets all the care ones needs for free or for a substantially reduced rate. Yes, there are endowments and grants provided to the hospitals and that has been in existence for some time. I know of a handful of people who receive their healthcare in such a manner.


Also, I worked for a number of years as a senior claims adjuster/investigator for an independent firm hired by MANY, MANY insurance carriers to investigate claims and settle/deny them accordingly. In fact, I still do this work on a part-time basis. Your statement about the insurance carriers paying off bonuses to adjusters who deny claims is outrageous and inflated, just for the record. Oftentimes, when a claim is validly denied, the attorney then simply turns around and files suit against the carrier and the carrier then pays out on the claim because it's less expense than going to trial to defend the matter. In fact, there have been a sizable number of times when I have validly recommended denial to the carrier on a bogus claim, but the carrier simply paid out on the claim just to get rid of it. So that is the hard reality of the way claims are handled. Let's keep this accurate and not make a generality based on one instance or some wild news story you may have heard of, please.


Speaking of lobbyists in Washington, there are more lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry than for any other industry/field. They far outweigh any other group. Would you like to see a rat's nest? Look into the pharmaceutical industry because their influence is large and ever-increasing. Socialized medicine will give the pharmaceutical industry the green light to run amok and be wild in the streets! They are not non-profit organizations and have to turn a profit for their shareholders. Many of the side effects are worse than the original conditions for which the drugs were prescribed. This is especially true in the psych med category, where you find a lot of the addictive meds.


Control is a good thing. If you don't control your coffee cup, you get scaled; if you don't control your vehicle, you become a statistic. That's just the way it is. This doesn't now mean that the government now has to do all the controlling, however. I still say we need less governmental control and interference in our lives.


Regards, Maria

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I also agree that the pharmaceutical companies have a strong hold on our country. I am aware that a few years back Congress passed laws that prohibit the pharm. companies from giving "gifts" to physicians. They use to give out lavish gifts, this no longer happens. They can buy them lunches, they can give out pens & paper with their advertising on them, they can provide flat screen TV's that run their cabled ads. (I saw one in another office, I was surprised & asked the Physician about it). Our office uses their post it notes & compiles the pens & paper & gives them freely to both out patients & our local fire department :) During Flu season, they usually give out the small, purse sized Kleenex & small boxes of Kleenex. We keep a basket on the counter at the front desk & give out the purse size Kleenex & open the Kleenex boxes in our waiting room. So the gifts they give Physicians is minuscule. They do provide free medication samples which our office has organized & we give out as appropriately needed to our patients. They rarely go to waste.


However, the Congress did NOT stop the gifts the Pharmaceutical Companies can give to Congress People! The way to control Pharm Companies is to STOP their hold on their ability to retain the patents on their drugs. I understand they need to make their research money back. I have no doubt, this is important for future research. But, if we limited their patent hold to a length of 3 years, then the consumer would not have to go to Canada or Mexico to buy the Generic version of the same drug. Most of the large Pharm. Companies are NOT American, however, WE AMERICANS pay for more of their research than any other country. Why? Because of our FDA!


Ron Paul wants to change the FDA & stop the War on Drugs, that DID NOT work! We have millions of people in prison for non-violent drug offenses. This is a mistake. Non-violent drug offenses should not require a jail sentence. It is also costing Americans billions to house & imprison them. That money should be sent on 'rehab', not prison. It does not work. I liken it to banging your head against a brick wall & only injuring yourself. For God's sake get a ladder & climb over it! Find a new way out. It would appear Our Federal Government has no intention of solving the American Drug Problem. The CIA makes shit loads of money via the Poppy Field of Afghanistan. Remember the Iran Contra, arms for drugs? How soon we forget! Ollie North? Is this ringing any bells?


People of color should & would be supporting Ron Paul if he got the same face time as Clinton, Obama & McCain on our TVs. More people of color are in jail for non-violent drug charges than any other ethnicity. "3 strikes you're out" law? Remember this one? Something is wrong when a murderer or rapist or child molester gets out of jail while a person who has 3 non-violent drug arrests is sent to prison for life! NO parole! Ron Paul wants to correct this & let those non-violent drug offenders OUT of Jail & keep the violent offenders in jail!


It seems to me today, right is wrong & wrong is right today. When people would rather blindly watch "Dancing with the Starz" then spend the time to investigate & find out the "Real News", not the mass distraction news, it just amazes me. Most Americans are very ignorant, they don't know the facts of what is happening here!


The Patriot Act is a direct violation of our right to privacy. It's flat out wrong! I am willing to risk a "terroristic" attack (way over blown threat) to retain my right to privacy & habeas corpus. Deal with it! Our American Constitution & it's Amendments are the most clear & concise laws ever written. I refuse to give up ANY of my Constitutional rights in the name of "terrorism". I'm not really sure exactly 'who' was responsible for the attacks on the WTC, Pentagon & crash in Pennsylvania on 9/11. The investigations were not completed adequately. Way too easy to blame Bin Laden. They think we are so stupid. Are we? I am not! Why are independent groups like "Pilots for 9/11 Truth" & Architectural Engineers & Structural Engineers for Truth for 9/11" finding way too many unanswered questions? Why did building 7 collapse? It was NOT hit by a plane, nor did it have extensive fire damage? We deserve answers, but can we "handle the truth"? I think most people could not handle the truth, so it is leaked slowly to the American public. Making it much easier to accept. What happened to Bill Cooper? Why was he killed? Enquiring minds (who could careless about Hollywood stars lives) want to know! The 9/11 commission did not answer the questions, they just made me ask more questions. They didn't even mention building 7? WTF!


As usual, these are my own opinions (which are based on facts, not opinions) & I am a free thinker & it may not coincide with the thinking of the general American public of today. Actually, I'm rather proud of being a free thinker :) I just want the facts ma'am, just the facts, leave your opinions at the GD door :) I can take the facts, assimilate them & arrive at a logically truthful conclusion. Why can't our Government just give us the facts? Because.... they don't want the people to know the truth? Ever in search of the truth!


But I will tell you, I think I can speak for most self-employed physicians, they will 'not' participate in Universal Health Care. They are self-employed because they are also independent thinkers & chose not to become a part of a large group of Physicians. They will continue their business on a cash & barter system basis. Only time will tell, but I believe my statements to be correct. Universal Health Care will suck for the patients! You think you have to wait now, it will be weeks instead of hours & days to see a doctor, if you even see a Physician. More than likely, you will see a PA (physician's assistant). They actually have less medial training & knowledge than an RN. Good Luck!


One analogy that seems to work for me today is if I imagine that Universal Health Care will be like the Public School Systems of today. Private Health Care Systems & Private Physicians will be like Very Expensive Private Schools today. It's coming, it will suck! This is the USA, one particular profession should not be singled out & controlled. But, this is what they are trying to do. I remember a few years back where KY taxed Physicians monthly on their GROSS income. This went on for a few years until it was settled by a successful lawsuit. KY then had to pay the Physicians back all the money they over taxed them, just for being a physician. Sounds unbelievable, but it happened. I was there :) Imagine, if you were a lawyer & your profession was the only profession taxed each month. It was ridiculous!



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A great big hug to you all :) I recently rediscovered (something very simple, that I knew when I was 5) that a "hug" crosses all the great divides. Religious, cultural, racial, political, generational gaps, etc. It can be a very healing experience! So..... I am giving each one of you a big hug in my mind & sending positive wishes to all of you! Right now the entire world needs a huge grandmotherly hug! And as a grandmother, we can hold on just a little longer than anyone else without people becoming suspicious of our motives. So, because I'm a Nana, 5 times over, I can get away with this! :)


I'm just a old, very free thinking Hippie (definitely not a Yuppie) & proud of it! LOL So, I hope you will hug someone today for me. Remember to spread those hugs around freely. We must heal this world! Remember when you were a small child & you needed a hug. For those of you who didn't get enough hugs as a child, I am holding you even tighter! Until all your tears go away!


I want all the Wars ended, I want all the world to live in peace. I want us to love each other a little more each day. It's time for a Revolution, a Revolution of "Hugs". Sound too good to be true? We can make it happen if we believe we can! It's time to get some faith in humanity back!


Continue Free Hugs in 2008 :) To those of you who know what I'm talking about, keep it up! For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, see this video: It's worth a million words! The start of the Revolution! :)




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Yeah, I too liked Ron Paul's foreign policy, but was troubled by his domestic policy. It seems rather odd that he would almost go out of his way to alienate the civil libertarians, who would have formed his most enduring base. Yet, you are right. He was the ONLY candidate that seemed willing to say the Iraq was was WRONG, not "wrongly managed", but wrong as a matter of principle. This is an important distinction because it is simply "badly managed" (Hillary Clinton), or "necessary, but bungled" (Obama) or "worth it" (McCain), then people won't see any problem whatsoever with starting another one with the same lies, as Clinton (Iran) Obama (Pakistan) AND McCain (both) are itching to do. I don't have much faith in any of these three SELECTED "candidates".
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Jayme....I wasn't going to comment anymore, but how can I resist a hug?! So glad you dropped your 'smack, smack' approach and here is a hug back to you - (o)



Emmanuel.....You are wrong about Obama'. He never said the Iraq war was 'necessary'. What he said was WITHDRAWEL was necessary. He is the only candidate who voted a-g-a-i-n-s-t the war and has never changed his position.

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Your ability to remain so gullible is astounding, to imply because, or if, I "question" something my government reports, this makes me paranoid is just plain scary. I assure you I am NOT paranoid without good reason. I guess you believe our government has been extremely truthful & nonmanipulative, correct? You my dear are a fool! Wake up! Your dream is almost over.
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Go, Jayme! I admire your conviction, which gets more done in less time than all that hard alcohol in Rick's hotel room (ref to his bio photo). ;)
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Thanks Maria :) He needs to wake the f*&k up! And soon! I personally, want an addition to my Presidential Ticket, "None of the above". I also want to see impeachment hearings for Bush & Cheney. I guess I'm asking too much!
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Wow, you kill me. :-) You are too funny.


I have not checked in on this in a couple of months.


We do agree on one thing- Bush and Cheney should have been impeached years ago.


Obama in '08. Change is coming- however small it may be, in the beginning.







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