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I just want to say that this picture caught my interest for a good, long spell and deserves a lengthy comment. Since I just spent a good part of an hour on an extended comment on my "Political Reality" picture, I'll wait a bit until my batteries have recharged and I can give this the attention it warrants.
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Years ago, an extensive collection of Van Gogh's works made a worldwide tour and I was lucky enough to catch it in San Francisco. I think I must have been in my late 20's at the time. Coming face to face with so many of Van Gogh's pictures in one space was rather overwhelming. The energy in them was palpable and I remember looking at one painting of a field with a train crossing in the distance and thinking it was like looking through a window at the scene itself. His work seemed to bypass the rational mind completely and strike some more primitive, more intuitive part of the brain. Some of your pictures strike me the same way. There's no reason from a rational point of view or a theoretical point of view or even from a technical point of view that this picture should have such a direct impact on me but like so many of Van Gogh's paintings it seems charged with energy, full of life and almost seems to exist on another plane altogether, one where archetypes play. One almost expects that when one looks momentarily away and then returns to the picture, the seagulls will have changed their positions or flown right out of the scene.
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Linda and Jack have already written -- in a far better way -- the essence of what I was about to write. So, "ditto"! A very fine image. Regards...
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Thank you so much to the three of you for your kind words. Jack, thanks for taking the time and revisiting. I don't know what to say, except thank you for the kind compliment. I don't deserve so much praise but it sure feels good reading you! I've just thought of something. You know how much I like music, Jazz music. This kind of picture-taking is a bit like jazz to me. Emotion, thinking, and as you mentioned Van Gogh, impressionist kind of thing. Sometimes you follow the score, sometimes it's free.

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McRitchie already pretty much said it all and saved me a lot of work. You do almost expect that the birds will have changed positions every time you open this, but more importantly, they seem to be moving while I sit here looking at it. Do you think it is too much coffee?
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Laurent, i like your analogy to music. you certainly do capture feeling with this and so many of your images.
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Thanks again. I didn't think this picture would be quite liked on the site, so I'm glad you found it interesting. Jack: about color, I think I'm pretty much like anybody else. Camera set in the RAW format and Adobe RGB II color space. I then convert to TIFF and use Nikon Capture and PS for post-processing. Some pictures have very little processing, others have more. I also used to shoot a lot of JPEG and RAW with various settings before but the Adobe RGB II space really offers better quality and a lot more possibilities during post processing. Ben: thanks for visiting. I'm glad you like it.

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