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Tripod.f22.Filter red.

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Great use of the red filter! What number filter was used? I have been trying to achive the dark sky effect for some time. Thanx for the image.
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There are two comments I will make about this photograph, two areas in which I believe it excells. 1) LINE... in other words, the lines and curves of the fence, clouds, and dunes, come together as one to form a beautiful image. 2) All four borders of the photograph are sharp (no white). I don't know why, but I believe that if a photograph can stand on its own against a white sheet of paper without becoming part of the paper (unless this is the idea), the photograph has more value.


But Blah... it's a beautiful pic, and Happy 2001.



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I think this is a very good image because of the smart use of the lines, light and shadows. Well done, bravo! Because I believe images of shadows have been done before, and quite often too, I did not give this image top score on originality (but a "4" instead).

There's just one thing I keep wondering about: would it have worked even better if you had flipped it horizontally? I tried it in Photoshop and I like it a bit better when flipped; it then seems to do a better job of "pulling my eye in". So, a "4" on aesthetics as well.

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I like your photo very much, for me it is very easy to view for long periods of time. And it is the movement of time it allows me that I like the best.


Allowing the clouds to provide a mist it can take me back in time, back to very simple things...or I can view the fence ahead blocking the straight path, something I'm sure will happen in the future, but as with all obstacles in life there appears to be a way to the left that looks clear.


Sorry if I went too deep, but it is a very relaxing photo to me. Thank you for sharing.



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The subject matter has always been a favorite of mine. It is a beautiful photograph with great tonal range. The only issue I have with it is the lower third shadow area. It seems cluttered and out of character for the beautiful detail in the rest of the image. I feel the image is much stronger and dramatic with the lower third of the image gone. But, as is always the case with fine art, that is just my opinion. Overall, it's a beautiful image worthy of hanging.
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Finally, we can see something that could be appreciated - not the previous week pick. Looks like someone in the Board of Judges is getting professional....
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The contrast on this photo is great and the use of shadow, dark sky etc. I sort of miss the controversy of past pictures, though. Everyone is being so nice. Can't someone find something wrong with this photo, please?
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This is wonderful. Terrific study of tonality, patterns and the soft clouds in the striking sky really lends the balance to make it even better. I've seen lots of wicket fences in the sand shots and they are nice but usually are lacking somehow. This one seems to click just right. Nice job!
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Say Karsten, what's wrong with white on the edges? For instance, B&Ws of things in snow settings... No good if you don't "grey down the snow?"


I do like this photo.

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Something wrong, Anton Galli?


How about the text "Ilford 100 Delta Pro", amongst other things, that is printed on the bottom of the image? ;)

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great contrast..the picture gives a peaceful radiation,like most pictures in your portfolio.

i agree with anton that there should be more heated discussions on photonet..just like last week,but some pictures (like this one)don't have the controversy.for most commentators this is a "nice" picture.witch is just nice...i like it anyway.

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Good Pic !!!

Huskola Huskola,

To darken the sky, you may also combine red filter and polarizer (PL). Because ultraviolet (UV) coming from the sky can be cut by PL, but not by red filter. It can also emphasize the clouds as well.

Duncan Wong
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To L Reed.. Of course, I would never underexpose snow, if anything, overexpose it. Snow is one of those subjects that don't or aren't meant to have completely "solid" borders(as I said- "unless this is the idea"), but imagine !!this!! picture with a big strip of overexposed sand against the right border. It wouldn't work.


If you want en example of lots of white check out this pic...




To H Huskola, excellent advise by Duncan. You can also use a standard graduated red (sunset) filter for the same effect and as a N.D. in B&W.


Cheers, and thanks for the beautiful pic. Manuel.

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Glad we can all "get along". I guess I will have to go back to heckling the Rush Limbaugh chat room people. A pity.


I noticed much more detail on the second time around, having looked at it in a larger size. I still can't read the letters on the bottom regarding "Ilford" though. I guess my monitor stinks. I also noticed that it was done using a Mamiya 7 which, after looking at Phil's Mamiya 7 review, has become my "fantasy camera" (since I cannot afford one). I like to tell myself that if I had a Mamiya 7 that my pictures would look like this.


Someday I'll post some public pics so you can all have a go at me!


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OK, I like this photo and its use of shadows. But one thing that bugged me right away and seems to continue to bug me -- where is the form for the strong triangle shadow? It just doesn't seem right, given the slant of the rest of the shadows and their points of origination.
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Estimado colega, la imagen que nos presentas es de una gran calidad tecnica-plastica, pues nos evoca recuerdos de los mas diversos lugares que hemos visto, pues aunque la imagen sea de lisboa, bien puede ser en algun otro lugar del orbe.

Saludos y felicitaciones

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This is a great photo. You should be proud of it. The lights and shadows are beautifully mixed together and the final effect is simply a master work.

You know what you're doing. Congratulations Miguel. Um grande abraço.

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Makes us all want to get out and get shooting.

10/10 rating!

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Symmetry and dissonance prevail in this landscape shot. Symmetry is found in the curves: of the sand, the fence rail, and the cirrus clouds. The stark linearity of the vertical wooden slats introduces a dissonant tension. Yet it all blends. Good eye for recognizing this striking situation and conveying it to us in the photo. Yet, there is an emptiness to the picture; I am left feeling slightly hollow. Not that I can suggest any specific improvement to this excellent graphic - that's just my emotional reaction to it, nothing more.
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