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Irony 5



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It seems a little obvious to me, but maybe I'm missing something. Light/dark, feminine/masculine, sharp/smooth. . . isn't it just a contrast study? I admit that it's well-executed. . . the symmetry of form is near-perfect and the principal lines converge nicely. However, I'm left thinking that a photograph this graphic MUST have a point. It's interesting, surely, but is it justified?
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Scary kind of "saw the girl in half" image.I don't much like the content, although it's an interesting composition, everything meeting at the centre and all. However, as a carpenter I must point out that the girl(pubically shaven woman,apparently)will only lose some flesh off the inside of her legs as the saw's cutting action is heading towards her feet.
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I owe John one for spotting it. I thought nobody was going to comment on the cutting direction :)
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Sur le plan graphique pur cette photo est très bien faite. MAIS je n'aime pas du tout ce qu'elle véhicule de violence et, en particulier, à l'égard de la femme. Je suis désolée Dominique, mais essaie de consiérer ce point de vue. Merci.
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Bonjours Marielou


Comme un des commentaires a bien decouvert, la roue dentee tourne dans l'autre sens, donc il n'y a pas de probleme pour la femme. Qui a notamment bien aimee de faire cette serie. On s'est bien amuses. Plus, le titre etait Irony :-)

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I think its going to take a lil bit more than aftershave to prevent razor bumps. Not whut i like to see when i think of the goodness. But original, outloud, and it definetly caught me of guard.
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I was actually going to comment on the cutting direction before I read John's comment.

I'm no carpenter, but it seems to me that if we're viewing this from below, she's in a fair bit of trouble.

Still, I *was* going to sat that I'd flip the blade next time.

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I aplogize for my earlier comment (which I have deleted). It is an interesting photograph, just not for me, however it is very clever. I went to your homepage and it is fantastic. Dave
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It's gotten a lot of varied comments so it obviously has struck a nerve. But it's inappropriate. It doesn't matter what it's "trying" to portray...it shouldn't be portrayed, especially on a public forum.
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When an arrow hits his target, you can hear the screams. As I read the comments on this photograph I can tell you for sure it was a direct hit. How is it possible? This question lies within the field of logic. I fear the answer has to be found in a sphere far beyond. Somewhere in the subconsciousness where Freudian or Lacanian analysis try to enter. Can they really enter there? This picture did.



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Metaphore perhaps but no Irony. This series is rather like having someone blow their horn at you

at 2 feet! The rest of your fotos are really nice.


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I cannot agree with the previous post: If I understand it right you meant Irony like in Iron... I think it is a nice play of words for the series, and the viewers have to look at it like that. The pictures are good but (and this is my favourite) but I really prefer some of your other work. Regards, Alejandro
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