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Arch Bridge

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Really nice and i like the b/w conversion. My suggestions would be to crop it from the lower part so it would show only the bridge archs in the bottom, did i explain it too hardly, language barrier... :) But i like it this way also.
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Bellissima foto Giuseppe e ben composta Ho provato a giocare un po' con il bianco e nero e il monocromo e sono venute fuori queste due versioni che credo esaltino la foto.

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Nice B&W image. I agree with Tero, I would crop the bottom, just below the reflection of the bridge, for a stronger, more focused, composition.
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Un ottimo scatto; i riflessi dei palazzi alla base del fotogramma, allungando longitudinalmente l'asse visivo, conferiscono una armonica dinamicita'.

Senza di essi lo scatto sarebbe risultato pi� "piatto" e meno originale.

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this is the first time I choose to reply to your observations and suggestions, and I do this to thank you and humbly observe that I deliberately choose to leave the bottom (unbalanced) part (the reflection of the shuttered windows) because - as Alberto wrote - this gives a certain motion to an elsewhere static composition [and I also tried to give the shot a certain sense of mystery, indefiniteness]. Same technique I tried to apply (without much success?) to the shot named "green canal". I agree with Antonio when he says that a b/w would fit more the composition and as soon as I can I will give it a try in PS. Anyway I am honored by your suggestions and thank you all by heart. Ciao. G.
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Excellent photo. And I agree totaly with your choice in the crop : not only it add a little dynamism, but the reflection of the column and top of the bridge + the way you croped the bridge, gives the "Venus" symbol ( your mistery is then almost resolved and is the Woman :-) )


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