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18mm, f8, 1/160s, ISO200

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Tim, I really like this photo and for a couple of reasons...the shack is well lit with late day sunlight and you showed admirable restraint in not turning the saturation up excessively. Also, the line of the clouds make an intersecting line (point would be off frame to the right) with the shadow they cast on the grass. Simple and pretty...well done. Jay Mueller
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Something right out of a Cormac McCarthy novel! Terrific composition and exposure; and I completely agree with previous comments that you've preserved the muted colors. The light is just fabulous. Superb landscape. Well done! Cheers! Chris
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Yes, this is wonderful work. These muted tones are great - the composition very effective - the distance, DOF and light excellent. Regards LKV.
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Thanks Graeme, Jay, Liz, Chris, and LKV for looking, commenting, and enjoying! I particularly appreciate your detailed commentary, Jay, and Chris your reference to Cormac McCarthy, one of the greatest writers ever. What a wonderful thought, my photo as the hardbound cover of one of his books! Thanks all.
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Once again a typical Tim Keller picture. As I said before, some of your pictures tell stories, this is certainly one of them. I am looking forward to more work with your new camera. Great!
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So glad to see you're putting that new camera to good use. Good exposure on the sky and dark foreground. I like the emphasis on the single subject of the lone building, the solitude is emphasized by the expanse of the grasslands. On your church photo I think the leaning distortion is because you were at the widest angle of your lens. My favorite McCarthy books were his trilogy; "The Crossing", "All The Pretty Horses", and "Cities of the Plain", great writer.
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Very beautiful picture! So empty but still ful of life and peace. Very beautiful lightning and sky looks great! Thanks for sharing and keep going!

Best regards -Emilia :D

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Ain't this cool. This beautiful photograph has also brought out that a lot of us love Cormac MacCarthy's books - 'course, how can one not? Susan, I agree; the Border Trilogy is incredibly special. We just saw "No Country for Old Men" last week at the theater. The Coen brothers made the movie; and it was just as terrifying as the book, and incredibly faithful to the book as well. Cheers! Chris
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This image would make a great book cover, I can think of several authors that it would be appropriate for. Chris, I want to go see that movie "No Country......" but it's a 300 mile round trip to the theather....soon I hope.
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I dying to see that film, Susan, but it's a 400 mile round trip for me. I'll wait for Netflix. I loved the book. Didn't like "The Road" but feel guilty for that given its Pulitzer. I found it had much in common with "Blood Meridian", which I was lukewarm about. My favorite, by far, is "All the Pretty Horses", a masterpiece. (I keep waiting for the 4-hour director's cut of that film to be released, as the film was destroyed by the company's drastic editing.) McCarthy lives in Santa Fe nowadays...home of my closest movie theater to see "No Place...".
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I'm going to have to search my long-lost memory to see if I can figure out what water-color artist painted such images. You got it perfect and I'm very impressed!
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Peaceful! I love the soft tones and the perfect comp. Thank you for your kind words Tim... saludos desde Mexico!
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I don't know about the writer McCarthy, but I'm thinking Andrew Wyeth would find this right down his alley. Wonderful composition and terrific light.
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As a lover of high, lonely places, this speaks to me at a personal level. The color and saturation is perfect and real. Captivating image.


Best regards,


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An image of exceptional beauty. I love the line of clouds marching right above the horizon, paired with the nearer clouds that are moving in the same direction as the grass. Fantastic.
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Good one. I agree with jay bm about colors but I think this photo could use a bit more contrast. The hut is very well illimunated. Congrats.
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