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Hello Mary, I agree that her eyes tell the whole story.This is a sensitive-beautiful wildlife portrait with nice blurred background and tack sharp main subject.I also respect the fact that despite the low light it seems that you didn't use a fill in flash which would probably create reflections to the eye and ruin the photo.Well done, excellent effort.Greetings from Greece
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Wow greetings all the way from Greece? Isn't this an amazing world we live in?


Thank you so much for your comments and rating. I really felt attached to this wolf. This portrait hangs just across from my desk, and She watches over me (in a sense) everyday.

Yes a very good point about the fill flash. Not with animals in my experience. I think it gives me a deeper appreciation for the shots I do get that turn out. As often the light is unpredictable and the subject is moving. It can be a challenge but that's the fun in it.

I see you are no stranger to that! I went and visited your pages and really enjoyed your work as well. What a wonderful experience having the opportunity to photograph such a vast array of creatures. Well done! Thanks again for stopping by! ~Mary~

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