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Pianistic Pause


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Performing Arts

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Taken while a friend performed the Chopin Nocturne and I didn't think

to post it until Rachel Foster posted a similar, though much more

artistic shot. This one is "documentary" as I see it, and I'm

interested to know what comments and suggestions for improvement of

this type of shot folks may have.

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David: This is a delight -- creative and wonderfully done. You're all over the place, as usual, and everything you're doing these days is terrific! Warm regards, Joe
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Thanks Joe! Yep, all over the place as usual... never could stay in my seat! I'm glad you like this one... it means a lot when your fine eye falls so positively on my work. Warm regards, David
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What a nice surprise to see you here. Thanks for coming by, and I'm very glad you like the shot. Regards, David
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David, dialogue of light and shadow, reality and reflected one. Very nice and well done with the piano Keys well accentuated. I like the framing as well.
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Thanks for looking and commenting. I'm glad you like the image, and very glad you like the frame. I read an article about framing and using the drop shadow and decided I'd try it. By the way, I know you especially will appreciate how thrilled my fine pianist friend, Larry, is to have his picture here... and that's with only his hand showing! I imagine your dancers have similar reactions. Regards, David
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David, yes, they are very glad to have their works showed here and also in the gallery. They were the performers in the opening, and also 2 of them bought their photo....( of coures in a very reduced price...)
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I have always been partial to images of musicians hands on their instruments and this is no exception. The interplay between the hand and its shadow is great. The way the keys mirror themselves is interesting. The black keys remaining mostly the same but the shift in tone on the white keys has a reversal effect due to the way the lines between the keys stand out. I like the crop and the overall composition. The flash or whatever you used as light source seems a bit too harsh on the upper thumb. Nothing major and certainly not enough to detract from the shot. A slight burn in might be worth an experiment. I would be curious to see how this would look if you moved out a bit and got in more of the keyboard or used a wider angle lens. Since your friend enjoyed this photo , perhaps he would volunteer for a series ? Very nice David.
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Glad you like this. I agree about the light (was a flash) and I'll try a burn and see what happens. As for my friend posing again, I know he'd be delighted, so I think I'll do that series you suggest. Thanks for the careful look and suggestions! Regards, David
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Thanks for coming by to take a look. I really don't think this is better, just different... it's saying something different, much less emotional than yours... different views of a similar subject. But, I'll gladly take your praise, and thank you! Regards, David
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