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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

kirk d

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This is one of several shots I took of a man who allegedly broke into

a nearby home and was chased on foot by the police to this spot where

he got on top of the guardrail - to do what, I don't know. He was

coaxed down eventually.

I thought his position with his hands behind his back and the hangman

looking light post says he is guilty before proven innocent.

I may revisit this and try for a better B&W, wanted to get your ideas

on the composition.

What do you think?

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This would be a photojournalists dream catch. In terms of composition, the vertical lines and the curve of the bridge just draw you to the subject, nice. I would probably like a full view of the cop car but It's not that important (plus would detract from the alignment of the lamp posts. I just love this pic though.
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This makes me sad. I imagine all the many "frames" in this man's life that led to this point. There is a whole history compressed into this one shot. Incredible.
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Thanks fellas.


Michael, my original version of this, I cropped out of a larger composition and it did include the entire car as well as the entire lamp post on the left. It is a good composition and very fine, I still have it but when I cropped it further to get this, I felt the strength from the emphasis on the man and the illusion of the lamp post being like a hang man's post. I appreciate your honest comment tremendously.


Jeff, I knew you were more sentimental than me. You revealed more of this than I thought about but I'll tell you, the people being held up on their commute home suspecting this guy commited a burglary were actually talking about it being best if he would just jump so traffic could flow again! Don't know if anyone was shouting it to him but I wouldn't put it past already road raged commuters.





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This is quite an aesthetic achievement, a "dream", as the other commenter said. The way you handled the presentation is ingenious, the elongated, vertical composition gives it a somewhat unreal rendition, not unlike a re-enactment one sees on tv, yet your words more than restore that impression on the viewer that what he sees is no fiction.


This picture actually is my favorite of all your photos, and well worth a 7/7 should you ever decide to post it for numbers. Congrats on an exceptional image, and I do not use that term lightly.

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Thanks Micki, your sentiments weren't shared by the people on the ground who were saying he should just jump so the traffic could resume - I don't think they knew what they were asking for.

I really didn't want to hang around to find out but not long after this shot, I passed and traffic was flowing and there were no ambulances picking up pieces so I assume he didn't jump; also, there was no mention on the evening news of anyone jumping.



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This is so full of ideal aspects I am not sure where to start. I love the repeated shape of the man and the light post. The angles of stair steps above the police car. The absence of authority comes to mind as well as many other reactions and emotions. This is what photography is at its best... a story teller without the luxury of words. I would like to see perhaps a fill of color in one spot or another. Though being PS illiterate I have no idea of the process to achieve such a thing. Anyway I am so glad I stopped by. What a fun journey through some of your images. Thank you Kirk. I'll have to come by more often. Sincerely, ~Mary~
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