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28-10-07 #2


Turimetta 9202

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This is exquisite. The thin sheet of water with its various patterns on the reddish-tan sand is absolutely great.
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Well seen Jeff. You were certainly blessed with amazing conditions on this occasion; persistence pays eventually and this one is a refreshing change to the usual coastal shot.
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Jeff, it is simply great! It has a very nice subdued soft colors and still is very rich in nuances. A beauty.
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This is wonderful Jeff. YOu really captured a beautiful moment. We don't have mist like this where I live much either. Excellent - Sean
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Very interesting shot Jeff but I find the rocks to the right distracting (perhaps your other images have conditioned me to look at them!) but once I dragged my eyes away I love the subtle tones and patterns in the sand in the foreground.
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Thanks for the feedback, folks.


Robert, those rocks bother me too, but mainly because they aren't contained within the image. This is cropped from the right a little, as it was burnt out towards the rising sun. I actually quite like them as they give more substance to the FG.

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Jeff, I agree with your self-assessment. I think the rocks add a lot to this scene (they contrast nicely with the lightness of the rest of the image, and they break up a uniform stretch of water), yet it would also be good if the rock was complete and not cut off on the right. Sometimes conditions just don't allow for everything, but you still captured a great image.
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Jeff, I too would like to see all of the rocks. Perhaps another camera position more to the right would have solved that problem without too much impact on the rest of the image. Otherwise, nice image. Looks almost uninhabited; no sign of man (or of birds or animals for that matter), not even footprints. Great atmospherics, subtle colours. Rising sun you say? Bonus points for getting up that early. :-) Best, LM.
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I love the pastel colors and patterns of the foreground here. The fog adds a very cool mystical quality to the scene and mutes the colors into a perfect pastel palette. No nits from me on this one. Great shot!

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Jeff, this is a magnificent image, both colors and composition are great, in my opinion this is a very complete work. Congratulations!
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Nice capture of rather unusual conditions at this familiar headland. The cut-off rocks don't bother me as much as they seem to others. As they are, they serve nicely to contain the image, and I wonder if including them entirely might actually make their dark appearance more of an issue. I would have been interested to see how this looked with a little more of the sky included, possibly also held back a bit more with a grad to balance the darker sand in the lower left. That might have given the 'rolling fog' a bit more breathing space too.
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Really exquisite seascape. Wonderful play of colors, and a very atmospheric scene well captured. Agree that a bit larger sky part would be nice, possibly.
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Thanks to all for the feedback. I have just been looking at the uncropped original trying to work out why I took what I did. My recollection is that going wider lost focus on the sand/wave edges and also that the sky was too hot as I included more and again lost focus. I really must get over my old film ways and experiment more with different angles, inclusions etc.
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