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sÃbastien simonot

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The upper portion of this composition has a certain delicacy to it resembling snow falling down to the ground or dusting powdered sugar on top of a cake. On the lower portion we see how hard the rain hits the street. It's a study of contrasts. We also notice one person protected by an umbrella while the other one is vulnerable. Congratulations on a very captivating shot.
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  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
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Guest Guest


While there's a good sense of atmosphere here, the thickness and presence of rain, there's little about the photo that works off that atmosphere or to make me care. Going along with the atmosphere, the lighting is energized and effective but has no story or subject or particular scene of interest to illuminate. The content is not there for me. Why do I care about these figures in the rain or what they're doing or not doing? Is the distraction of the pole which the woman in profile's nose hits part of some compositional meaning or effect or simply a miss? To me, it's the latter, unconsciously seen and shot. It's a great backdrop and time in which something could happen. But nothing does, for me.

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I'm feeling a wee bit of narrative, there, Fred - with the one person deciding to stay under whatever overhang is keeping her dry, while the other ventures out into that made-for-street-photography rain. But you're right that it's not as freighted with decisive-momentness as a certain Frenchman might have been itching to see and show. The atmospherics are great, though. It's hard to convey that wet feeling as well as is done here.

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I like it, heavy rain and these two trying avoid it. The pole and the advertisement behind the woman are not making the shot better, but I guess this is a fast snapshot...

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Our devices (camera and lenses) caused alterations everytime!So we should added good eyes to this,also.The POV is very excellent and this is a well expression of life and hurry.Beautiful atmosphere,too.Nice capture and very well for POW!...Best regards(Bobby).
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Beautiful scene, lighting and atmosphere. The only thing that is ruining this photo for me is the presence of first person (the one who's face we see). I would like to see the photo without her.

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Four classic POW themes in one: moving water, a woman's back, an umbrella and all in B&W. It only lacks a lone tree. Of the four, I enjoy the capture of the moving water the best - it really conveys the sense of what the day was like. And thank goodness the umbrella was not given the cliche spot color treatment.

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If I had the opportunity to take this scene under the same conditions, i would like to hide the signal street with the woman’s backside (Left side woman)…Of course that option would be very personal and only to avoid disturb me,because in my oppinion, the real aim of this good image and action is the interaction between women. This is my honest opinion and that don't change my vision from a good instantaneous image.Best regards

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The rainy backdrop is really beautiful, really.
The foreground, as Fred has noted, without any significant meaning. This picture is the bad copy of the concept of another, this time beautiful PoW: this one.
The foreground is cluttered and the relationship between the two subjects unclear.
I guess Sébastien could not do much about it, but photographing is also taking a chance.

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I like the lighting on the rain a great deal. The shot has a very good sense of atmoshpere. I like tones as well. I have mixed feelings about the person to the left. I may or may not like it better without her, though there is a good juxtaposition of taking a bit of shelter & not between the two. Either way the sign I feel, is very intrusive

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This one just doesn't work for me. I'm not sure why. I like the rain and light, but the figure and signpost in front of the person at left just seem off to me.

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