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Giles, A strong capture! The lines and striking color make for a wonderful photo! Nice job! 4?? I don't see not stink'in 4 here! Thank you for sharing. DG
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Partner, first of all: I would rate this pic 7/7 because I like abstracts and architecture, plus its bw which I also like and the composition works for me and the contradiction between hard and soft lines is a good theme for a piture giving me to think about contrasts and all that things that photographers/architects like to think about, okay... That's why I'm giving you this rating, so your soul may be at ease.

Second: just because you think it's a good shot you don't have the right to tell everyone they have to like it so they rate it 4+, and comment if not! If people doesn't like it as much as you do, so what? And leave a comment??? Come on! I haven't checked out your portfolio yet (I will), but you seem like a very good focused photographer, as far as this shot concernes, and if people rates it 1/1 with no comment, what are you gonna do? The picture is still there and the feeling it gave you when you were out there searching for this angle will still be with you... That's what I believe really matters.


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Thanks for the comments. Point taken about wanting comments for under 4. I'd just like feedback and input on what I could do differently and better rather than see my photo disappear under a pile of 3's.



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Kind of agree with Alejandro. I do not ratings anymore, but this is great photo and I want to comment... :)


You have used frame well, with not too much empty space. That empty space otoh ensures, with your subject and contrast, that composition is simple, but interesting enough. For me, this photo is wonderful play with light and shadows, lines and curves. Tonality looks very good, and as said, there is enough contrast.


Take care. a s l a

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Alejandro...you completely misquoted what the photographer said. He didn't tell anyone to do anything. He said ... " If you decide to rate below a 4 please explain why. Thanks!


That's quite different than what you said... "Second: just because you think it's a good shot you don't have the right to tell everyone they have to like it so they rate it 4+, and comment if not!"


Misquote - He didn't tell anyone to "do"anything...he politely made a request, saying please and thanks!


Misquote - You said "you don't have the right to tell everyone they have to like it...", etc....he didn't say that...you said that. Read the comments again then tell me I'm wrong.


Isn't it a bit hypocritical to TELL SOMEONE...they can't TELL SOMEONE? Especially when they didn't tell anyone do do anything...and you seem to be the only one telling someone if not what they are to do...what they should do?


If the photographer actually did as you said (and he clearly DID NOT)...and told people how they must rate and if not, that they have to leave a comment...his words would be just about as inappropriate as yours.


If your intent was to point out the futility of expectations that people will rate fairly...and if they rate a photo with low marks that they will be polite and helpful enough to say why (and i think that was your original intent)...that's fine, but how about not misquoting people while attempting to make a point and be a little more thoughtful and polite in dispensing your advice?




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