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this is an interesting collection of buildings (all of them for sale? :-) ), especially the middle one. And look at the weed growing out of the sidewalk - it's even taller than the hydrant (that's probably dehydrated by now, eh?)! One thing I don't like much is the light that's seeping in from the top - did you shoot into the sun? It makes the contrast go dodo. If I may, I'd suggest using your hat, or a sheet of stiff paper to block the light in situations like this. The rest of the photo is nicely contrasty, saturated. Cheers, Micheal
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Thanks for the help. Yes, that middle building is about the most bizarre building I've seen. That middle entryway is big enough to drive a car through, so I'm thinking it was leading to a place for the tenants to park their cars. I'm very sorry I did not go into it and check it out.


As for the sun, it was a fairly overcast day, and when I started shooting about 6 in the morning there was actually a light drizzle coming down. So I really don't know why it is that way, but I do agree it's funky. Good suggestion. I'm getting the impression that you are quite the knowledgeable technician.

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on the note of the 3-raters, this is a text of an email I just sent to Josh, one of the moderators of the

critique forum:


Hello Josh,

sorry to trouble you with this, but I feel the need to add my few cents to

the (I guess) fervently discussed issue of anonymous ratings.

There is someone who purposely downrates photos = gives 3s.

I've seen photos of other photographers, and yes, even mine, that in no

way an honest dude could rate so low. Someone is sabotaging the ratings,

there is no other way to explain it. One single rating of 3s is enough

to sink the average of the photo inadvertently.

From reading comments of other PNetters it seems that you folks in charge

have been not addressing this issue. I can understand that one cannot please

everyone, however this is an issue that discourages (or may) photographers,

and may even affect their sticking to PNet.

It's time you guys pull your heads out of the sand and stop anonymous ratings.

The name of the PNetter should always be visible with his/her ratings.

If you're worried about people taking revenge for receiving low ratings,

then I have this to say: because the hypothetical revenger would have his

name next to the ratings, as well, others would be able to see his nonsense

ratings, and thus he/she would make a statement about him/her-self (not a very

positive one), rather than the photo he/she was ratings.

Please, bring some fairness to the system, so it's not a farce. There are

many well-meaning PNetters here, who deserve better.

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Couldn't agree with you more. I don't think it will do any good, but I'm with you on this. In my own case, when I first started on Pnet, I would do a lot of rating using the "Rate Photos" feature, where it just brings up one photo after another. I rated a ton of images. But because it was anonymous, I did rate some low. I thought they deserved it, and still do. But if my name goes on it, I rarely rate someone low, because it will piss them off and I just don't want to get into that type of deal. So now, I mainly rate images that I feel are worthy. I see a lot of them that I feel are worthy of ones twos and threes, but I just pass over them. In a way that is a false system, but it doesn't really hurt anything, because most of the bad imagess will not get rated and then the better ones can fight it out.


I very rarely rate anonymously anymore, and almost always comment when I rate. Of course that is more time consuming, but it does show more devotion to the cause as far as I'm concerned.

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I think the raters should be accountable for their ratings by explaining why. I think that most folks can take low ratings if the rater explains why he/she rated it low. Anonymous rating would work well with healthy people who hold no grudges and are being honest (but then there is no need for anonymous ratings, ha ha). This doesn't seem to be the case here with some raters. As to I, I rate only photos that attract my attention, which means that my stats show I give higher ratings. But why should I spend my energy on photos that don't resonate with I? When I started with PNet, I commented on many photos and I mentioned how I would rate it, though I didn't actually input the ratings, and there were a fair number of photos who I "rated" 3. I didn't get an angry backlash from the "victims". Cheers, Micheal


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Dave: As usual your work has led to another interesting discussion. Nice shot. And good points about the anonymous rating system. Regards, Joe
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Thanks. I've been around Pnet too long to think it will change that anonymous rating system. It entices non members so they get to make quick judgments and feel like real critics.


BTW, if I am not mistaken you live in the Midwest. Maybe you should take a little journey to Cairo. I guarantee you will find it interesting.

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Your shot gives me a real feel for the abandonment that has taken place in Cairo. It inspires many questions. Why did they leave? I assume there weren't jobs. Why did the jobs leave? How did they feel about leaving, those people who once lived and worked in these places?


I look at the craftsmanship that went into these buildings, and think of the hopes and dreams those people must have had, only to come to this.


Your picture got me thinking. And that's not a bad thing.

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Nice to see you back. I hope your absence has been because you were on a little vacation taking pictures. You and I see things a lot alike amigo. Not always photographically, but in a humanitarian and historical and cultural sense.
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Dave: I've been down to Cairo (Kay-row), and it is fascinating. Now I'll have to go back and steal some of your great ideas and images. Thanks for all your helpful and encouraging comments. Regards, Joe
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Did you take any pics? If I could go back I'd allow for a full day of shooting. Early morning (when I was there) and late afternoon for shooting outside, and then midday to shoot interiors. I didn't go inside any of these babies, because I only had like two hours to shoot, and, frankly, I was a little afraid since there was nobody with me. Some of these interiors have got to be unique based on the exteriors. And many of them looked quite easy to access.
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I like your color rendering here, I've seen the thumbnail a dozen times but thought....."oh boy another bunch of building's", but this one rises above the mundane with the architectural interest and "brick red" and earth tones color palette. The emptiness of abandonment, the windows blown out and broken, the weeds growing on the sidewalks, the old street lamps that no longer shine.....and right in the middle of it all is Dianne's with her tidy curtains and the possibility that someone is still holding down the fort....heartbreaking. Just lately I've noticed that I'm receiving less ratings, oh sure I get the customery 3/3, but in general there's less activity, I wonder what's going on now?!
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Hi. Yeah, I don't blame you for thinking this is just another old building picture. I kind of feel that way too, and I took the damn thing. I feel that it is kind of important to finish out my trip pictures, and that will entail too many buildings and street scenes. I have felt that whenever I venture forth into less traditional type of images, I don't get much response, but sometimes the tried and true does get a response. I guess that shouldn't be so surprising. As for rates, yes I have seen a significant dropoff in numbers. A lot of people that seem to be commenting are not leaving rates, and if I have to choose between a rate and a comment, I'll take the comment. I thought maybe it was the day it was put up or the time of the day, that caused lack of rates, but I still don't know about that. I have seen some top rated photos that had just four or five rates.


At any rate (pun intended) I feel very fortunate that on occasion some folks have come together and we have had some most interesting discussions and debates on art in general, and sometimes on my images. I really like that, even if I don't win anyone over to my way of seeing.

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