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The Life Thirst


This shot i have take in lake Nakuru - Kenya.This very early in the morning, fog have be on all area of lake Nakuru, this hunting be very fast and unexpectedly. My Photo Safari Workshop Kenya 2007Real Wildlife photography - African photo safari 2008 Join

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It makes me want to see the next 2 frames ..... Brilliant shot, really sharp, shows off the new hardware - the flamingos wings are beating so fast they are blurred! Congratulations, let's have more like that, please. Kind regards, David.
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Very nice action shot. As a novice, I don't like to judge other photos. But ,If I were submitting this photo to my teachers, about the only thing I would do is increase the exposure a little and crop closer to the Flamingo.
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I wouldn't expose more, or crop. For one the extra exposure would blow the sky (mind I'm viewing on a mac) and the crop would take away the space which the animals are running into and I would not like to constrain them.


Thanks elves for bringing my attention to a really exhilarating portfolio .... and I don't think I ever saw a bigger Canon fan :)

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Nice quick reaction on the photographer's part. Essential for good animal behavioral shots like this one. I remember seeing this photo for the first time and thinking, "that flamingo's toast." But then I noticed the flamingo's "footprint" in the water, just ahead of the hyena. That bird's moving pretty fast. I do wish for better light in this photo. It looks like an overcast day. Perhaps the animals could agree to reconvene for a re-shoot? I also vote against cropping.
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This photo beautifuly captured the predator and prey scenario that constantly occur in nature. Vadim's quick response to capture this is admirable. I am new to photography, but this image definitely captivated me - I find it dynamic and dramatic.
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What a fantastic capture, put me down for a no crop vote. The space either side is essential I think to create the feeling of place. The colours on the wings is really good, I have seen one up close and did not realise they had 3 colours in the wing area. Mind you the ones I say were not being chased either.

Special mention should also go to Vadim for this capture with such a large lens, it can be hard enough with a 300mm when things are moving fast let alone a 600mm, did you use a tripod or bean bag or hand hold, now that would be something?

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Well... I guess light and color could be better, absolutely speaking, but this isn't a studio shot, and what you caught here is so rare and amazing, that I can't help but shuckle at this scene. Powerful action photo: congrats !
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