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Train Station Toilet

Real colors, no digital manipulation.

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Sharing is not competition! Please always comment your rates: I need

critiques and suggestion to improve and to learn. Critiques on other

shots in portfolio are very accepted for same reasons!

Thanks for your time and attention!


La condivisione non 蠵na competizione! Per favore commentate i

vostri voti: ho bisogno di critiche e suggerimenti per migliorare ed

imparare. Per gli stessi motivi, le critiche alle altre foto nel mio

profilo sono molto gradite!

Grazie per il vostro tempo e la vostra attenzione!

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Moody, atmospheric shot. Blue fantasy worlds with the beautiful, smiling woman on the poster outside. What luxurious bathrooms you have there! You should come to New York City; you have to wrestle the cockroaches and chisel crusty heaps of rust just to get to the sink! (Just kidding)
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This is an interesting shot. I think it's a good photo, however, there is something about it that makes me feel a void in life and I'm not sure why.
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Thanks for your comments and attention!


Donna: yes, woman smiling is (I think) a good contrast with main subject, but I tried not to fix the attention about it (e.g. with a zoom or a different cut) because I didn't want it became the focus of shot: I tried to freeze the image taken from my train's window because I was attracted by the strange (but true, no digital manipulation) and misterious light in the lonely and dark station. Second: NO Donna, Italian stations toilets, as in many others nations, are not luxurious, believe me.


Gianpaolo: I like the dark in the shot, I wouldn't it be different. My opinion of course, thanks for your comment! See you soon in my portfolio.


Chris: To feel a void in life is exactly one of the emotions I felt when I saw this toilet. I'm proud I could transmit to you this sensation because it was (one of the) goal(s) of shot. Thank you very much




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complimenti per la foto: mi piace moltissimo il contrasto tra le luci blu dei bagni ed il giallognolo delle pareti.


Forse 蠵n mio problema di visualizzazione, non so, per� a me l'immagine sembra tagliata subito alla destra della porta chiusa, quella non retroilluminata.

E' come se avessi scalato una porzione dell'immagine verso il basso.

Magari mi sto sbagliando...


Comunque bellissimo scatto.


Ho visto da un tuo commento che sei anche tu di Torino!


A presto!




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