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Four Great Men


ISO: 250, 70mm, f/16, 1/30 sec. 6/16/05, 1:46 PM. PS Enhanced.

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It's a memorable ride up the narrow winding road that leads through several tunnels, and this one with a great view of the four presidents. It was even more memorable standing in the middle of the road with my tripod setup, hearing a car horn beep to alert other on-coming cars, and having to quickly duck to one side or the other while the car passed by, then reset-up and snap off a couple more images. Now that's an adventure!


This day at Rushmore started out with the mountain in a thick fog. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the folks who were piling off buses and lining up to have their pictures taken with the four presidents, and there wasn't a hint of the four gents behind them - just a thick white fog. That was their photo-op at Rushmore, back on the buses and off they went. I on the other hand had the luxury of wasting an hour or two until the fog lifted. While I waited I browsed the gift shop, where I ran into an old fella selling a book he'd authored ("Mount Rushmore Past, Present & More" by Guy F. Baily and Joyce E. Bailey). While I was visiting with Mr. Baily, he told me about the special view through one of the tunnels, and it registered in my mind as something I just had to check out. So, while this shot is not terribly original, its still one of the unique viewpoints of this amazing sculpture.


By the way, the book is a great read about the history and making of Mount Rushmore. You can waste $40 on a lot of other things that will be quickly forgotten. I bought Mr. Baily's book and I'm glad I did.

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Dave, this is one of the most original shots I've seen of Mt. Rushmore. I wish the sky had been more cooperative, but what the heck, you did a great job with this one. A 6/6 anonymously. Cheers! Chris
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Love the composition here Dave. I am glad you braved the oncoming traffic... I love it! Hope you feel you were duly rewarded.. it appears to me you were.
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