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Valley of thoughts

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Imi place foarte mult cum ai incadrat imaginea, si efectul pe care il da umbra din coltul stanga sus. Mi se pare interesant si faptul ca pardoseala isi pierde culoarea spre spate, devenind alba si ma gandeam ca poate ai fi putut sa obti un efect si mai frumos (asta pentru ca oricum poza este superba) daca ai fi decolorat putin si peretele din fundal. Succes in continuare
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  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
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  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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Nice picture. Now flip it horizontal. That way it is light in the top left and the eye is drawn down to the subject, and the rule of thirds god is appeased.

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The atmosphere is unique and the lighting as far as I am concerned along with the black zone at the left do help the effect of drama in this fine work, great selection of POW.
All of the best.

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The lighting and the upper vignette are very beautiful and match the special atmosphere of the image in its autism or this kind of wishful thinking. I see some cloned area which I supposed to be done more accurately.

I like the very clever idea given by George Ghio for the flip suggestion.

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Yes, the photo every parent wants of their child...........?

Well, this is a bit of an odd one in Simona's photostream or on her website. Maybe the only "dark" image in the lot. One of only maybe a couple that tells and is its own story.

I don't find that I had to work to hard to read this photo. A child, veiled in shadow, sits poised at the edge of a dark pool (abyss) with a posturing that suggests those moments before forward movement. The heavy shadow appears to almost be closing in and one might find suggestion that it will be the final push. The mood is depressed and somber and suggests impending tragedy.

Early in my career I did a shot of my son that was used on a milk carton as an ad for the local food bank. It was larger than the missing child photos so common then and I had relatives who were appalled and felt it was possibly prophetic--like he would go missing soon. This one just makes me wonder what those knowing this child would feel like seeing this.

If it isn't obvious, I guess it is just that the contrast of this image with the other work is what has surprised me a bit. If there were more of these types of images, it would makes more sense to me, but then........ but that is digression, I suppose.

The image itself works pretty well overall and I don't find any focus issues to be a problem. In fact, a more selective focus can be a good thing in such story telling images.

The thing that maybe causes me the most pause here is the sense that it appears there was a lot of "texturing" and darkening around the edges of the pool and in it. In the absolute, the pool appears just a tad too dark to my own taste on line. Pulling it into PS, it is not as dark, but some of the post work comes more into focus and is a bit less than elegant. I don't mind that the water was darkened, but such post work seems to be an area where some improvement could be had.

Overall, I think it is a well done illustrative image, maybe a bit dark (not a technical comment) with some technical issues. Even the fact that it is dark (not a technical comment) is not a bad things, but for me, I am left with wanting to understand an image that is so far out of character for the rest of the work.

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Yes, I like the flip, though I think the same thing can be accomplished by composing the image in a vertical format with the more foreground, using the lines of the edge of the pool to lead the viewer's eyes to the child seated in quiet contemplation, but as my old friend Paul Chepikian used to say, the commenter has no way of knowing if there were three dogs, children, policemen, firemen, communists, fascists, or Republicans just off the edge, making an alternate composition impossible. Still, a fine image and well worthy of the POW.

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I hope the child is merely intrigued in his "Valley of Thoughts" looking into the water and nothing more. I very much agree with John A on this image. On a technical aspect of which I am not an expert I would say just a little more light on the child but that is certainly a minor issue. It is evocative so I suppose in that sense the image works. Just MHO.

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The composition, colour and subject matter are very good, however it lack sharpness in the subject, to me this takes away from what could have been an excellent photo. As a small image it is striking

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