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HA ~ took their night shades off and then burnt my hand on my daughters light bulb. I held the light bulb so close to the paper that my eyes still hurt today. HA!


All for the sake of more light ~ he he


I'm so confused about next weeks assignment...

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Micki, very interesting and well done shot. I like the focus on the split pencil and the colors. Very nice, Oliver
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Guest Guest


The colors and composition and the dof are well done and nicely handled. There is also a lot of depth. I really feel like the photo goes off into the distance. Shadows are fine! I want more. Pull back maybe? Some context? This doesn't feel like it deserves to be a macro shot. I think you're trying to tell some kind of story here and I think I need a human being in the photo to help guide me. Or a room in which this is occurring. Would like more visual information, please, that I don't have to look up in an encyclopedia.
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Maybe kookoo would be a good warrior topic? hehe:O)

Seriously this was a great idea. The colors, composition and dof are all great. And you my friend are always intertaining...I love that. :O)

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Thank you Fred, how would I know that YOU would figure me out the most. YES, I wanted me in this picture. YES, I wanted people to see ME struggle and YES, I wanted it to be about me being SHATTERED. But, the main problem is LIGHT. See, I am surrounded by no light and I have not got the greatest house with the greatest lights and well we had storms all week long so the house was yucky. Excuses. BLAH!


I should have just picked up my husbands camera and tried to figure it out. BUT, I didn't want help from him. SO, I settled on doing it without me. I did do some pics with my hand but I feel self concious about me silly hands (why I don't know they are nice hands). Something about bearing my soul. My face is fine but my hands? Besides that would be two hands in a row. I guess you could say I felt so SHATTERED after trying to pull this together that I just wanted to get it write, I mean right.


I did put it in MACRO (wrong) as it should have been somewhere else. I don't know really where as I put the other one in documentary to tie it in to this one. I liked the other one too.


I, personally think it is one of my best close up stuff just wasn't what "I" was going for and "YOU" caught me. ~ you crack me up! :) ~ smiling all the way! ~ micki

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At first I liked it. After reading your comments, I like it less. Why? Because of two things that you did not do. First, is the fact that you are not in it, as you wanted to be. Second, is because you did not ask for help from you husband. If you had, you'd have the shot that you wanted and you would have learned more. Bad Micki! : )
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HA! yep


he said many time, do you WANT to use my camera?


I said NO!!




Truthfully I think the other picture is better but I wanted the shattered in this picture.


I really do think I am ready for a better camera (sometimes) and then after talking with my husband yesterday we realized WHAT I did learn from doing this and the 300+ pictures.


I learned to SET the stage of the picture. YES I would love to have been in the picture but honestly I am a wreck in my own right anyway. We could easily work as a team and get things just perfect as I am always directing him and his shots anyway. A lot of the pictures I work on FACE SHOTS (some of them that are really PS'd big time) are some he took a long time ago. Yes, Fred caught it and then Michael called it on the other one. My husband said it last night "THESE DO" have me in them as I did write on them. AND, I am getting a lot better beccause if you look at what I was doing back in January (remember I have only been clicking since then) I have improved tremendously. So I go forward and I might pick his camera up soon. Only thing is once I pick his up I might have to spend $2,000 on a REBEL for him so I will be asking for an "offering" HA HA HA


But, Anthony you are right on this one. Not my BEST (the other is better). Could have been better with another camera but for me on this shot close to it but I wish I COULD HAVE BEEN in it. (sigh) you guys caught me

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You have improved a great deal since then. One thing that I'll give you great credit on, is that you portrayed shattered with inanimate objects. That is what I first liked about it. The emotion is there without a face having to express it! My only gripe is that it was not what YOU wanted. But I still love you! BTW, a Rebel with 18-55mm lens and memory card is just $799 at www.costco.com. Hmmmmmm...why should HE get the new camera?! Just sayin'!
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AND, honestly it is to heavy for me and he has the best camera for me because his is a CANON IS CYBER SHOT with the moveable screen so I don't have to look through the viewfinder (yeah). I have the silly tremor and it is light. He wants to take pictures of birds and stuff. Me, I have no clue what I will take pictures of.


It is the REBEL lenses that costs so much.


I will look into COSTCO. THANKS!!

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Sounds right then. The lens that comes in that kit is pretty good. He'd definately be wanting a longer lens for shooting birds. I picked up a QUANTARY 70-300mm TELE-MACRO lens to go with mine for much less than a CANON lens and have been very happy with it for the price. My CANON's are better but I'd buy it again.
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Micki, Thank you for all of your comments and thoughts! I love this shot, Very original, very creative! Your personality really shines with this one!!


Keep up the good work!

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