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shot with pentax 67


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If I would have to rate it, I would give it a "4" for originality, just because it isn't very original. Since Ed Weston, 60 years ago, there have been many attemps. Not really convincing. As tecnique depends I would have printed it much lighter.
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I too like the optical illusion effect but have to agree about the cropping out of some of the zone 0 area. Great use of existing light and overall excellent shot!!!
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Certainly the vignetting and the shadows make the picture. The photo is beautifully framed; the way the dark side of the dune blends into the framing is an excellent effect. Very nice use of light and shadows and vignetting for a very pleasing composition....
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Where is this wonderfull place? And what kind of lightings are used?

Thank you and, yes, it's a great photo! Congratulations!



Bistrita - Romania

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Overall the photograph has tremendous impact. I don't mind the distortion of the horizon line, its typical of a wide to fish eye lens. The photo has some excellent attributes, which the photographer intuitively recognized and took the time to establish proper framing and exposure. Sometimes we're better to trust our gut instincts, rather than pre-judge our image before we take the photo. I would rather focus on the positive points of the photograph, as it is too easy to selectivly look for what is wrong with the shot. I see alot of great things about this photo. As Henri Cartier-Bresson would note, you have caught the moment when it was supposed to be caught. A few minutes later, the moment would have been gone forever. Well done!
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Wow, that is a great image. The curved landscape makes it pop out. It would be even better if there was a little less dead space in the lower right corner.
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I like the picture from the texture and geometric point of view, the lens used and the place. I don't like the light treatment, I mean, I would have preferred it with a little more illumination but that's the author's choice. I would like people to review my images in a way I can make it better next time be it for a contest or not. So instead of all the wows I settle for a nice but...
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As a B/W landscape photographer, I always enjoy looking at fellow artists work. You image is inspiring and you captured the light just right. If I were to make one change, it would be to crop out most of the darkness at the bottom of the image.
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I didn't rate this photo but I want to contribute with my opinion.

Death Valley Sand Dunes are my second most favourite place on Earth and I get to know the photographic conditions and possibilities over there. It is extremely difficult to capture really good image - good composition, colors, sharpness and light? Yes light is everything but to find a good light over here is not easy. Many sunrises and sunsets are just flat with lot of haze or just flat light. You can easily spend there a week with no luck. This photograph has some attributes of "Good light conditions" but it is BW and that helps eliminate a lot of unwanted lightning situations in background of this photo. I have to admit that foreground ripples are illuminated just right and it gives this photo some value. I looked on all other Charles Jones images from Death Valley and in my opinion they are just average shots including this "Photo of the week" which is a little bit better. Why? I simply didn't find any interesting composition, light, angle or any other original aspect of these photographs. I also shoot film beside DSLR and I like Black & White. Sometimes I just feel that BW form itself is not enough unless author gives his images a special meaning. There are thousands of photographers on these sand dunes every year and we all need to try harder to impress and in my opinion harder than this posted photograph. These days there is a big problem that so many people are taking photos or doing some sort of creative process (painting, sculpturing, music composing...) that average consumer has very little chance to distinguish between good technical quality creation (photograph, painting, music song...), kitsch or real piece of art or at least something really inspiring and valuable. Thanks for sharing your work and good luck with your photography.

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What? Vinetting? Hum Bug! Great shot and treatment! Boo Hoo, imagine a dark spot in a black and white, what nerve. Actually the dark at the bottom (right) provides an arrow leading the eye to the wonderful comparison of textures. Again to be morrored in the sky, Bravo!
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The sand lines looking in one direction and the crossing of the man made hemisphere makes it unique. There is a sense of motion and at the same time stillness. Very good.
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I was in Death Valley in January 07. It is indeeed a very remarkable place. This looks like Mosquete Dunes. I regret not taking any B&W photographs. When I am there next, I will try B&W in addition to B&W IR. I noticed that this image was captured on Medium Format. MF provides exceptional depth and detail; B%W is an abstraction in and of itself. This image coveys beauty, somberness and enchantment. Ihave recently aquired 2 MF cameras; a Mamaya C220 (6x6) and a Rapid Omega (6x7). I will use them both on my next visit to this magical desert.
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This is a very unusual landscape capture, the fisheye distorts the view and the red filter creates its own atmosphere. All in all a very creative view of a well known location and worthy of the glowing comments.

I find it amazing that some try to tear it down on the basis of originality. If you are to rubbish a shot based on its location and say it is a 4 for originality then I think one should look at their reasoning to do so. Then again why don't we all just stop going places and not take photos anymore because I'm sure someone else has already taken it at some stage. With the world becoming such a small space for us to travel if we have the means none of us will take an original shot ever. The originality come in the light and treatment of that vision not the location, lets face it everything has already been done, but nature alters it every day and that makes it original!

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Congratulations. Lighting is great and technique is good. In terms of composition, you have posted here a perfectly sound rectangular framing, but what I see in it is a possible crop for a perfect square...
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I've never shot in the desert, used a fish eye so find it hard to comment on this. I've read all the comments and I have come to the conclusion I would not have posted the image, good as it is, it's missing something. The comment is made a few times, B&W needs something additional. What that could be in a desert shot I dont know. Did notice the comments for this weeks photo of higher quality, less 'good shot' or '7/7' comments :-)
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I like this photo. Dunes in Death Valley have been done to death -- sorry about the pun!


They all have grooves in the sand and shadows to make them black. Been there. done

that, have the tee shirt.


This is much more eye catching because it has the crisp mountains at the top and the

curved shadow at the bottom. Overall the exceptional focus and resolution make it all

play together. As does the fine tone and separation of B&W zones.


It is a different catch of and old photo that works very well. It makes the view new and

fresh again.


Thank you for that.

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